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Hippeastrum Holland Terra Cotta Star

Hippeastrum Holland 'Terra Cotta Star'

Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024


Holland Amaryllis are available from October until April. Because of the large assortment that is presently on the market, it is difficult to give an exact forcing schedule. Generally the amaryllis flower more consistently after January 1. As a rule it takes 4 weeks to flower after shoot emerges.


                For Christmas:

                Plant November 10, recommended to use Southern Hemisphere bulbs


                For Valentines:

                Plant December 20, Use only size 30/32 of Ludwig Goliath, Fantastica, Dutch Belle, Apple Blossom, or Maria Goretti


                For Easter:

                All varieties and sizes are suitable, schedule ship date 6 weeks before Easter


Storage Upon Arrival

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F

Planting and Fertilization

Amaryllis must be planted in a well-drained, pH 6.0-6.5, sterilized planting medium. NEVER USE FRESH MANURE as part of the medium. Normally one bulb is planted per 5 1/2" or 6" (13-15 cm.) standard pot or 3 smaller bulbs in a 8" pot. Plant the bulb with the nose slightly above the rim of the pot - about 1/3 of the bulb will be out of the pot. The use of a plastic pot is preferred. Force bulbs pot to pot on the bench. After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. Do not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose. Initially, amaryllis do not need fertilization. After they are marketed consumers should be advised to fertilize the plants.


Plants should be forced in a low to medium light (1000-5000 ft. candle) intensity greenhouse. It is possible to start bulbs in a dark, temperature-controlled area before the bulbs are placed under lighted conditions.



Amaryllis are tropical plants and they can be forced over a wide range of temperatures, but 75-80°F (24-27°C) is preferred. Bottom heat should be used. Average forcing time to market stage of development is 6-8 weeks. It will vary with each cultivar and forcing period. It is also important to note that amaryllis lots are somewhat variable and no guarantee as to flowering time can be given.

Marketing, Harvesting and Storage

Amaryllis should be marketed when the floral stalk is 12" tall. It is desirable to have leaf growth of 6-12" and a second stalk beginning to grow. Do not cold store amaryllis plants or flowers. If they need to be held, place them at 50° F. Whenever possible, plants should be marketed with care tags. The consumer should be informed that amaryllis should be fertilized 1-2 times per month when it is growing. They can be placed outdoors in the pot when the danger of frost has passed. Amaryllis can also be used as cut flowers. They should be cut when the floral buds are colored, but not yet open. To prevent the splitting and outrolling of the cut stem, the flowers can be held in 0125 sucrose for 24 hours at 72°F before shipping.

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Hippeastrum Holland United Nations

Hippeastrum Holland 'United Nations'

Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024


Holland Amaryllis are available from October until April. Because of the large assortment that is presently on the market, it is difficult to give an exact forcing schedule. Generally the amaryllis flower more consistently after January 1. As a rule it takes 4 weeks to flower after shoot emerges.


                For Christmas:

                Plant November 10, recommended to use Southern Hemisphere bulbs


                For Valentines:

                Plant December 20, Use only size 30/32 of Ludwig Goliath, Fantastica, Dutch Belle, Apple Blossom, or Maria Goretti


                For Easter:

                All varieties and sizes are suitable, schedule ship date 6 weeks before Easter


Storage Upon Arrival

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F

Planting and Fertilization

Amaryllis must be planted in a well-drained, pH 6.0-6.5, sterilized planting medium. NEVER USE FRESH MANURE as part of the medium. Normally one bulb is planted per 5 1/2" or 6" (13-15 cm.) standard pot or 3 smaller bulbs in a 8" pot. Plant the bulb with the nose slightly above the rim of the pot - about 1/3 of the bulb will be out of the pot. The use of a plastic pot is preferred. Force bulbs pot to pot on the bench. After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. Do not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose. Initially, amaryllis do not need fertilization. After they are marketed consumers should be advised to fertilize the plants.


Plants should be forced in a low to medium light (1000-5000 ft. candle) intensity greenhouse. It is possible to start bulbs in a dark, temperature-controlled area before the bulbs are placed under lighted conditions.



Amaryllis are tropical plants and they can be forced over a wide range of temperatures, but 75-80°F (24-27°C) is preferred. Bottom heat should be used. Average forcing time to market stage of development is 6-8 weeks. It will vary with each cultivar and forcing period. It is also important to note that amaryllis lots are somewhat variable and no guarantee as to flowering time can be given.

Marketing, Harvesting and Storage

Amaryllis should be marketed when the floral stalk is 12" tall. It is desirable to have leaf growth of 6-12" and a second stalk beginning to grow. Do not cold store amaryllis plants or flowers. If they need to be held, place them at 50° F. Whenever possible, plants should be marketed with care tags. The consumer should be informed that amaryllis should be fertilized 1-2 times per month when it is growing. They can be placed outdoors in the pot when the danger of frost has passed. Amaryllis can also be used as cut flowers. They should be cut when the floral buds are colored, but not yet open. To prevent the splitting and outrolling of the cut stem, the flowers can be held in 0125 sucrose for 24 hours at 72°F before shipping.

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Hippeastrum Holland - Cybister Type Bogota

Hippeastrum Holland - Cybister Type 'Bogota'

Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024


Holland Amaryllis are available from October until April. Because of the large assortment that is presently on the market, it is difficult to give an exact forcing schedule. Generally the amaryllis flower more consistently after January 1. As a rule it takes 4 weeks to flower after shoot emerges.


                For Christmas:

                Plant November 10, recommended to use Southern Hemisphere bulbs


                For Valentines:

                Plant December 20, Use only size 30/32 of Ludwig Goliath, Fantastica, Dutch Belle, Apple Blossom, or Maria Goretti


                For Easter:

                All varieties and sizes are suitable, schedule ship date 6 weeks before Easter


Storage Upon Arrival

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F

Planting and Fertilization

Amaryllis must be planted in a well-drained, pH 6.0-6.5, sterilized planting medium. NEVER USE FRESH MANURE as part of the medium. Normally one bulb is planted per 5 1/2" or 6" (13-15 cm.) standard pot or 3 smaller bulbs in a 8" pot. Plant the bulb with the nose slightly above the rim of the pot - about 1/3 of the bulb will be out of the pot. The use of a plastic pot is preferred. Force bulbs pot to pot on the bench. After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. Do not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose. Initially, amaryllis do not need fertilization. After they are marketed consumers should be advised to fertilize the plants.


Plants should be forced in a low to medium light (1000-5000 ft. candle) intensity greenhouse. It is possible to start bulbs in a dark, temperature-controlled area before the bulbs are placed under lighted conditions.



Amaryllis are tropical plants and they can be forced over a wide range of temperatures, but 75-80°F (24-27°C) is preferred. Bottom heat should be used. Average forcing time to market stage of development is 6-8 weeks. It will vary with each cultivar and forcing period. It is also important to note that amaryllis lots are somewhat variable and no guarantee as to flowering time can be given.

Marketing, Harvesting and Storage

Amaryllis should be marketed when the floral stalk is 12" tall. It is desirable to have leaf growth of 6-12" and a second stalk beginning to grow. Do not cold store amaryllis plants or flowers. If they need to be held, place them at 50° F. Whenever possible, plants should be marketed with care tags. The consumer should be informed that amaryllis should be fertilized 1-2 times per month when it is growing. They can be placed outdoors in the pot when the danger of frost has passed. Amaryllis can also be used as cut flowers. They should be cut when the floral buds are colored, but not yet open. To prevent the splitting and outrolling of the cut stem, the flowers can be held in 0125 sucrose for 24 hours at 72°F before shipping.

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Hippeastrum Holland - Cybister Type Evergreen

Hippeastrum Holland - Cybister Type 'Evergreen'

Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024


Holland Amaryllis are available from October until April. Because of the large assortment that is presently on the market, it is difficult to give an exact forcing schedule. Generally the amaryllis flower more consistently after January 1. As a rule it takes 4 weeks to flower after shoot emerges.


                For Christmas:

                Plant November 10, recommended to use Southern Hemisphere bulbs


                For Valentines:

                Plant December 20, Use only size 30/32 of Ludwig Goliath, Fantastica, Dutch Belle, Apple Blossom, or Maria Goretti


                For Easter:

                All varieties and sizes are suitable, schedule ship date 6 weeks before Easter


Storage Upon Arrival

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F

Planting and Fertilization

Amaryllis must be planted in a well-drained, pH 6.0-6.5, sterilized planting medium. NEVER USE FRESH MANURE as part of the medium. Normally one bulb is planted per 5 1/2" or 6" (13-15 cm.) standard pot or 3 smaller bulbs in a 8" pot. Plant the bulb with the nose slightly above the rim of the pot - about 1/3 of the bulb will be out of the pot. The use of a plastic pot is preferred. Force bulbs pot to pot on the bench. After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. Do not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose. Initially, amaryllis do not need fertilization. After they are marketed consumers should be advised to fertilize the plants.


Plants should be forced in a low to medium light (1000-5000 ft. candle) intensity greenhouse. It is possible to start bulbs in a dark, temperature-controlled area before the bulbs are placed under lighted conditions.



Amaryllis are tropical plants and they can be forced over a wide range of temperatures, but 75-80°F (24-27°C) is preferred. Bottom heat should be used. Average forcing time to market stage of development is 6-8 weeks. It will vary with each cultivar and forcing period. It is also important to note that amaryllis lots are somewhat variable and no guarantee as to flowering time can be given.

Marketing, Harvesting and Storage

Amaryllis should be marketed when the floral stalk is 12" tall. It is desirable to have leaf growth of 6-12" and a second stalk beginning to grow. Do not cold store amaryllis plants or flowers. If they need to be held, place them at 50° F. Whenever possible, plants should be marketed with care tags. The consumer should be informed that amaryllis should be fertilized 1-2 times per month when it is growing. They can be placed outdoors in the pot when the danger of frost has passed. Amaryllis can also be used as cut flowers. They should be cut when the floral buds are colored, but not yet open. To prevent the splitting and outrolling of the cut stem, the flowers can be held in 0125 sucrose for 24 hours at 72°F before shipping.

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Hippeastrum Holland - Cybister Type La Paz

Hippeastrum Holland - Cybister Type 'La Paz'

Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024


Holland Amaryllis are available from October until April. Because of the large assortment that is presently on the market, it is difficult to give an exact forcing schedule. Generally the amaryllis flower more consistently after January 1. As a rule it takes 4 weeks to flower after shoot emerges.


                For Christmas:

                Plant November 10, recommended to use Southern Hemisphere bulbs


                For Valentines:

                Plant December 20, Use only size 30/32 of Ludwig Goliath, Fantastica, Dutch Belle, Apple Blossom, or Maria Goretti


                For Easter:

                All varieties and sizes are suitable, schedule ship date 6 weeks before Easter


Storage Upon Arrival

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F

Planting and Fertilization

Amaryllis must be planted in a well-drained, pH 6.0-6.5, sterilized planting medium. NEVER USE FRESH MANURE as part of the medium. Normally one bulb is planted per 5 1/2" or 6" (13-15 cm.) standard pot or 3 smaller bulbs in a 8" pot. Plant the bulb with the nose slightly above the rim of the pot - about 1/3 of the bulb will be out of the pot. The use of a plastic pot is preferred. Force bulbs pot to pot on the bench. After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. Do not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose. Initially, amaryllis do not need fertilization. After they are marketed consumers should be advised to fertilize the plants.


Plants should be forced in a low to medium light (1000-5000 ft. candle) intensity greenhouse. It is possible to start bulbs in a dark, temperature-controlled area before the bulbs are placed under lighted conditions.



Amaryllis are tropical plants and they can be forced over a wide range of temperatures, but 75-80°F (24-27°C) is preferred. Bottom heat should be used. Average forcing time to market stage of development is 6-8 weeks. It will vary with each cultivar and forcing period. It is also important to note that amaryllis lots are somewhat variable and no guarantee as to flowering time can be given.

Marketing, Harvesting and Storage

Amaryllis should be marketed when the floral stalk is 12" tall. It is desirable to have leaf growth of 6-12" and a second stalk beginning to grow. Do not cold store amaryllis plants or flowers. If they need to be held, place them at 50° F. Whenever possible, plants should be marketed with care tags. The consumer should be informed that amaryllis should be fertilized 1-2 times per month when it is growing. They can be placed outdoors in the pot when the danger of frost has passed. Amaryllis can also be used as cut flowers. They should be cut when the floral buds are colored, but not yet open. To prevent the splitting and outrolling of the cut stem, the flowers can be held in 0125 sucrose for 24 hours at 72°F before shipping.

More Details
Hippeastrum Holland - Diamond Type Fairytale

Hippeastrum Holland - Diamond Type 'Fairytale'

Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024


Holland Amaryllis are available from October until April. Because of the large assortment that is presently on the market, it is difficult to give an exact forcing schedule. Generally the amaryllis flower more consistently after January 1. As a rule it takes 4 weeks to flower after shoot emerges.


                For Christmas:

                Plant November 10, recommended to use Southern Hemisphere bulbs


                For Valentines:

                Plant December 20, Use only size 30/32 of Ludwig Goliath, Fantastica, Dutch Belle, Apple Blossom, or Maria Goretti


                For Easter:

                All varieties and sizes are suitable, schedule ship date 6 weeks before Easter


Storage Upon Arrival

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F

Planting and Fertilization

Amaryllis must be planted in a well-drained, pH 6.0-6.5, sterilized planting medium. NEVER USE FRESH MANURE as part of the medium. Normally one bulb is planted per 5 1/2" or 6" (13-15 cm.) standard pot or 3 smaller bulbs in a 8" pot. Plant the bulb with the nose slightly above the rim of the pot - about 1/3 of the bulb will be out of the pot. The use of a plastic pot is preferred. Force bulbs pot to pot on the bench. After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. Do not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose. Initially, amaryllis do not need fertilization. After they are marketed consumers should be advised to fertilize the plants.


Plants should be forced in a low to medium light (1000-5000 ft. candle) intensity greenhouse. It is possible to start bulbs in a dark, temperature-controlled area before the bulbs are placed under lighted conditions.



Amaryllis are tropical plants and they can be forced over a wide range of temperatures, but 75-80°F (24-27°C) is preferred. Bottom heat should be used. Average forcing time to market stage of development is 6-8 weeks. It will vary with each cultivar and forcing period. It is also important to note that amaryllis lots are somewhat variable and no guarantee as to flowering time can be given.

Marketing, Harvesting and Storage

Amaryllis should be marketed when the floral stalk is 12" tall. It is desirable to have leaf growth of 6-12" and a second stalk beginning to grow. Do not cold store amaryllis plants or flowers. If they need to be held, place them at 50° F. Whenever possible, plants should be marketed with care tags. The consumer should be informed that amaryllis should be fertilized 1-2 times per month when it is growing. They can be placed outdoors in the pot when the danger of frost has passed. Amaryllis can also be used as cut flowers. They should be cut when the floral buds are colored, but not yet open. To prevent the splitting and outrolling of the cut stem, the flowers can be held in 0125 sucrose for 24 hours at 72°F before shipping.

More Details
Hippeastrum Holland - Diamond Type Luna

Hippeastrum Holland - Diamond Type 'Luna'

Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024


Holland Amaryllis are available from October until April. Because of the large assortment that is presently on the market, it is difficult to give an exact forcing schedule. Generally the amaryllis flower more consistently after January 1. As a rule it takes 4 weeks to flower after shoot emerges.


                For Christmas:

                Plant November 10, recommended to use Southern Hemisphere bulbs


                For Valentines:

                Plant December 20, Use only size 30/32 of Ludwig Goliath, Fantastica, Dutch Belle, Apple Blossom, or Maria Goretti


                For Easter:

                All varieties and sizes are suitable, schedule ship date 6 weeks before Easter


Storage Upon Arrival

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F

Planting and Fertilization

Amaryllis must be planted in a well-drained, pH 6.0-6.5, sterilized planting medium. NEVER USE FRESH MANURE as part of the medium. Normally one bulb is planted per 5 1/2" or 6" (13-15 cm.) standard pot or 3 smaller bulbs in a 8" pot. Plant the bulb with the nose slightly above the rim of the pot - about 1/3 of the bulb will be out of the pot. The use of a plastic pot is preferred. Force bulbs pot to pot on the bench. After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. Do not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose. Initially, amaryllis do not need fertilization. After they are marketed consumers should be advised to fertilize the plants.


Plants should be forced in a low to medium light (1000-5000 ft. candle) intensity greenhouse. It is possible to start bulbs in a dark, temperature-controlled area before the bulbs are placed under lighted conditions.



Amaryllis are tropical plants and they can be forced over a wide range of temperatures, but 75-80°F (24-27°C) is preferred. Bottom heat should be used. Average forcing time to market stage of development is 6-8 weeks. It will vary with each cultivar and forcing period. It is also important to note that amaryllis lots are somewhat variable and no guarantee as to flowering time can be given.

Marketing, Harvesting and Storage

Amaryllis should be marketed when the floral stalk is 12" tall. It is desirable to have leaf growth of 6-12" and a second stalk beginning to grow. Do not cold store amaryllis plants or flowers. If they need to be held, place them at 50° F. Whenever possible, plants should be marketed with care tags. The consumer should be informed that amaryllis should be fertilized 1-2 times per month when it is growing. They can be placed outdoors in the pot when the danger of frost has passed. Amaryllis can also be used as cut flowers. They should be cut when the floral buds are colored, but not yet open. To prevent the splitting and outrolling of the cut stem, the flowers can be held in 0125 sucrose for 24 hours at 72°F before shipping.

More Details
Hippeastrum Holland - Diamond Type Neon

Hippeastrum Holland - Diamond Type 'Neon'

Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024


Holland Amaryllis are available from October until April. Because of the large assortment that is presently on the market, it is difficult to give an exact forcing schedule. Generally the amaryllis flower more consistently after January 1. As a rule it takes 4 weeks to flower after shoot emerges.


                For Christmas:

                Plant November 10, recommended to use Southern Hemisphere bulbs


                For Valentines:

                Plant December 20, Use only size 30/32 of Ludwig Goliath, Fantastica, Dutch Belle, Apple Blossom, or Maria Goretti


                For Easter:

                All varieties and sizes are suitable, schedule ship date 6 weeks before Easter


Storage Upon Arrival

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F

Planting and Fertilization

Amaryllis must be planted in a well-drained, pH 6.0-6.5, sterilized planting medium. NEVER USE FRESH MANURE as part of the medium. Normally one bulb is planted per 5 1/2" or 6" (13-15 cm.) standard pot or 3 smaller bulbs in a 8" pot. Plant the bulb with the nose slightly above the rim of the pot - about 1/3 of the bulb will be out of the pot. The use of a plastic pot is preferred. Force bulbs pot to pot on the bench. After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. Do not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose. Initially, amaryllis do not need fertilization. After they are marketed consumers should be advised to fertilize the plants.


Plants should be forced in a low to medium light (1000-5000 ft. candle) intensity greenhouse. It is possible to start bulbs in a dark, temperature-controlled area before the bulbs are placed under lighted conditions.



Amaryllis are tropical plants and they can be forced over a wide range of temperatures, but 75-80°F (24-27°C) is preferred. Bottom heat should be used. Average forcing time to market stage of development is 6-8 weeks. It will vary with each cultivar and forcing period. It is also important to note that amaryllis lots are somewhat variable and no guarantee as to flowering time can be given.

Marketing, Harvesting and Storage

Amaryllis should be marketed when the floral stalk is 12" tall. It is desirable to have leaf growth of 6-12" and a second stalk beginning to grow. Do not cold store amaryllis plants or flowers. If they need to be held, place them at 50° F. Whenever possible, plants should be marketed with care tags. The consumer should be informed that amaryllis should be fertilized 1-2 times per month when it is growing. They can be placed outdoors in the pot when the danger of frost has passed. Amaryllis can also be used as cut flowers. They should be cut when the floral buds are colored, but not yet open. To prevent the splitting and outrolling of the cut stem, the flowers can be held in 0125 sucrose for 24 hours at 72°F before shipping.

More Details
Hippeastrum Holland - Diamond Type Tres Chic

Hippeastrum Holland - Diamond Type 'Tres Chic'

Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024


Holland Amaryllis are available from October until April. Because of the large assortment that is presently on the market, it is difficult to give an exact forcing schedule. Generally the amaryllis flower more consistently after January 1. As a rule it takes 4 weeks to flower after shoot emerges.


                For Christmas:

                Plant November 10, recommended to use Southern Hemisphere bulbs


                For Valentines:

                Plant December 20, Use only size 30/32 of Ludwig Goliath, Fantastica, Dutch Belle, Apple Blossom, or Maria Goretti


                For Easter:

                All varieties and sizes are suitable, schedule ship date 6 weeks before Easter


Storage Upon Arrival

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F

Planting and Fertilization

Amaryllis must be planted in a well-drained, pH 6.0-6.5, sterilized planting medium. NEVER USE FRESH MANURE as part of the medium. Normally one bulb is planted per 5 1/2" or 6" (13-15 cm.) standard pot or 3 smaller bulbs in a 8" pot. Plant the bulb with the nose slightly above the rim of the pot - about 1/3 of the bulb will be out of the pot. The use of a plastic pot is preferred. Force bulbs pot to pot on the bench. After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. Do not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose. Initially, amaryllis do not need fertilization. After they are marketed consumers should be advised to fertilize the plants.


Plants should be forced in a low to medium light (1000-5000 ft. candle) intensity greenhouse. It is possible to start bulbs in a dark, temperature-controlled area before the bulbs are placed under lighted conditions.



Amaryllis are tropical plants and they can be forced over a wide range of temperatures, but 75-80°F (24-27°C) is preferred. Bottom heat should be used. Average forcing time to market stage of development is 6-8 weeks. It will vary with each cultivar and forcing period. It is also important to note that amaryllis lots are somewhat variable and no guarantee as to flowering time can be given.

Marketing, Harvesting and Storage

Amaryllis should be marketed when the floral stalk is 12" tall. It is desirable to have leaf growth of 6-12" and a second stalk beginning to grow. Do not cold store amaryllis plants or flowers. If they need to be held, place them at 50° F. Whenever possible, plants should be marketed with care tags. The consumer should be informed that amaryllis should be fertilized 1-2 times per month when it is growing. They can be placed outdoors in the pot when the danger of frost has passed. Amaryllis can also be used as cut flowers. They should be cut when the floral buds are colored, but not yet open. To prevent the splitting and outrolling of the cut stem, the flowers can be held in 0125 sucrose for 24 hours at 72°F before shipping.

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Sold Out
Hippeastrum Holland - Double Flowering Amadeus Candy

Hippeastrum Holland - Double Flowering 'Amadeus Candy'

Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024


Holland Amaryllis are available from October until April. Because of the large assortment that is presently on the market, it is difficult to give an exact forcing schedule. Generally the amaryllis flower more consistently after January 1. As a rule it takes 4 weeks to flower after shoot emerges.


                For Christmas:

                Plant November 10, recommended to use Southern Hemisphere bulbs


                For Valentines:

                Plant December 20, Use only size 30/32 of Ludwig Goliath, Fantastica, Dutch Belle, Apple Blossom, or Maria Goretti


                For Easter:

                All varieties and sizes are suitable, schedule ship date 6 weeks before Easter


Storage Upon Arrival

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F

Planting and Fertilization

Amaryllis must be planted in a well-drained, pH 6.0-6.5, sterilized planting medium. NEVER USE FRESH MANURE as part of the medium. Normally one bulb is planted per 5 1/2" or 6" (13-15 cm.) standard pot or 3 smaller bulbs in a 8" pot. Plant the bulb with the nose slightly above the rim of the pot - about 1/3 of the bulb will be out of the pot. The use of a plastic pot is preferred. Force bulbs pot to pot on the bench. After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. Do not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose. Initially, amaryllis do not need fertilization. After they are marketed consumers should be advised to fertilize the plants.


Plants should be forced in a low to medium light (1000-5000 ft. candle) intensity greenhouse. It is possible to start bulbs in a dark, temperature-controlled area before the bulbs are placed under lighted conditions.



Amaryllis are tropical plants and they can be forced over a wide range of temperatures, but 75-80°F (24-27°C) is preferred. Bottom heat should be used. Average forcing time to market stage of development is 6-8 weeks. It will vary with each cultivar and forcing period. It is also important to note that amaryllis lots are somewhat variable and no guarantee as to flowering time can be given.

Marketing, Harvesting and Storage

Amaryllis should be marketed when the floral stalk is 12" tall. It is desirable to have leaf growth of 6-12" and a second stalk beginning to grow. Do not cold store amaryllis plants or flowers. If they need to be held, place them at 50° F. Whenever possible, plants should be marketed with care tags. The consumer should be informed that amaryllis should be fertilized 1-2 times per month when it is growing. They can be placed outdoors in the pot when the danger of frost has passed. Amaryllis can also be used as cut flowers. They should be cut when the floral buds are colored, but not yet open. To prevent the splitting and outrolling of the cut stem, the flowers can be held in 0125 sucrose for 24 hours at 72°F before shipping.

More Details
Hippeastrum Holland - Double Flowering Double Dream

Hippeastrum Holland - Double Flowering 'Double Dream'

Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024


Holland Amaryllis are available from October until April. Because of the large assortment that is presently on the market, it is difficult to give an exact forcing schedule. Generally the amaryllis flower more consistently after January 1. As a rule it takes 4 weeks to flower after shoot emerges.


                For Christmas:

                Plant November 10, recommended to use Southern Hemisphere bulbs


                For Valentines:

                Plant December 20, Use only size 30/32 of Ludwig Goliath, Fantastica, Dutch Belle, Apple Blossom, or Maria Goretti


                For Easter:

                All varieties and sizes are suitable, schedule ship date 6 weeks before Easter


Storage Upon Arrival

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F

Planting and Fertilization

Amaryllis must be planted in a well-drained, pH 6.0-6.5, sterilized planting medium. NEVER USE FRESH MANURE as part of the medium. Normally one bulb is planted per 5 1/2" or 6" (13-15 cm.) standard pot or 3 smaller bulbs in a 8" pot. Plant the bulb with the nose slightly above the rim of the pot - about 1/3 of the bulb will be out of the pot. The use of a plastic pot is preferred. Force bulbs pot to pot on the bench. After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. Do not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose. Initially, amaryllis do not need fertilization. After they are marketed consumers should be advised to fertilize the plants.


Plants should be forced in a low to medium light (1000-5000 ft. candle) intensity greenhouse. It is possible to start bulbs in a dark, temperature-controlled area before the bulbs are placed under lighted conditions.



Amaryllis are tropical plants and they can be forced over a wide range of temperatures, but 75-80°F (24-27°C) is preferred. Bottom heat should be used. Average forcing time to market stage of development is 6-8 weeks. It will vary with each cultivar and forcing period. It is also important to note that amaryllis lots are somewhat variable and no guarantee as to flowering time can be given.

Marketing, Harvesting and Storage

Amaryllis should be marketed when the floral stalk is 12" tall. It is desirable to have leaf growth of 6-12" and a second stalk beginning to grow. Do not cold store amaryllis plants or flowers. If they need to be held, place them at 50° F. Whenever possible, plants should be marketed with care tags. The consumer should be informed that amaryllis should be fertilized 1-2 times per month when it is growing. They can be placed outdoors in the pot when the danger of frost has passed. Amaryllis can also be used as cut flowers. They should be cut when the floral buds are colored, but not yet open. To prevent the splitting and outrolling of the cut stem, the flowers can be held in 0125 sucrose for 24 hours at 72°F before shipping.

More Details
Hippeastrum Holland - Double Flowering Double King

Hippeastrum Holland - Double Flowering 'Double King'

Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024


Holland Amaryllis are available from October until April. Because of the large assortment that is presently on the market, it is difficult to give an exact forcing schedule. Generally the amaryllis flower more consistently after January 1. As a rule it takes 4 weeks to flower after shoot emerges.


                For Christmas:

                Plant November 10, recommended to use Southern Hemisphere bulbs


                For Valentines:

                Plant December 20, Use only size 30/32 of Ludwig Goliath, Fantastica, Dutch Belle, Apple Blossom, or Maria Goretti


                For Easter:

                All varieties and sizes are suitable, schedule ship date 6 weeks before Easter


Storage Upon Arrival

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F

Planting and Fertilization

Amaryllis must be planted in a well-drained, pH 6.0-6.5, sterilized planting medium. NEVER USE FRESH MANURE as part of the medium. Normally one bulb is planted per 5 1/2" or 6" (13-15 cm.) standard pot or 3 smaller bulbs in a 8" pot. Plant the bulb with the nose slightly above the rim of the pot - about 1/3 of the bulb will be out of the pot. The use of a plastic pot is preferred. Force bulbs pot to pot on the bench. After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. Do not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose. Initially, amaryllis do not need fertilization. After they are marketed consumers should be advised to fertilize the plants.


Plants should be forced in a low to medium light (1000-5000 ft. candle) intensity greenhouse. It is possible to start bulbs in a dark, temperature-controlled area before the bulbs are placed under lighted conditions.



Amaryllis are tropical plants and they can be forced over a wide range of temperatures, but 75-80°F (24-27°C) is preferred. Bottom heat should be used. Average forcing time to market stage of development is 6-8 weeks. It will vary with each cultivar and forcing period. It is also important to note that amaryllis lots are somewhat variable and no guarantee as to flowering time can be given.

Marketing, Harvesting and Storage

Amaryllis should be marketed when the floral stalk is 12" tall. It is desirable to have leaf growth of 6-12" and a second stalk beginning to grow. Do not cold store amaryllis plants or flowers. If they need to be held, place them at 50° F. Whenever possible, plants should be marketed with care tags. The consumer should be informed that amaryllis should be fertilized 1-2 times per month when it is growing. They can be placed outdoors in the pot when the danger of frost has passed. Amaryllis can also be used as cut flowers. They should be cut when the floral buds are colored, but not yet open. To prevent the splitting and outrolling of the cut stem, the flowers can be held in 0125 sucrose for 24 hours at 72°F before shipping.

More Details
Hippeastrum Holland - Double Flowering Doublet

Hippeastrum Holland - Double Flowering 'Doublet'

Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024


Holland Amaryllis are available from October until April. Because of the large assortment that is presently on the market, it is difficult to give an exact forcing schedule. Generally the amaryllis flower more consistently after January 1. As a rule it takes 4 weeks to flower after shoot emerges.


                For Christmas:

                Plant November 10, recommended to use Southern Hemisphere bulbs


                For Valentines:

                Plant December 20, Use only size 30/32 of Ludwig Goliath, Fantastica, Dutch Belle, Apple Blossom, or Maria Goretti


                For Easter:

                All varieties and sizes are suitable, schedule ship date 6 weeks before Easter


Storage Upon Arrival

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F

Planting and Fertilization

Amaryllis must be planted in a well-drained, pH 6.0-6.5, sterilized planting medium. NEVER USE FRESH MANURE as part of the medium. Normally one bulb is planted per 5 1/2" or 6" (13-15 cm.) standard pot or 3 smaller bulbs in a 8" pot. Plant the bulb with the nose slightly above the rim of the pot - about 1/3 of the bulb will be out of the pot. The use of a plastic pot is preferred. Force bulbs pot to pot on the bench. After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. Do not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose. Initially, amaryllis do not need fertilization. After they are marketed consumers should be advised to fertilize the plants.


Plants should be forced in a low to medium light (1000-5000 ft. candle) intensity greenhouse. It is possible to start bulbs in a dark, temperature-controlled area before the bulbs are placed under lighted conditions.



Amaryllis are tropical plants and they can be forced over a wide range of temperatures, but 75-80°F (24-27°C) is preferred. Bottom heat should be used. Average forcing time to market stage of development is 6-8 weeks. It will vary with each cultivar and forcing period. It is also important to note that amaryllis lots are somewhat variable and no guarantee as to flowering time can be given.

Marketing, Harvesting and Storage

Amaryllis should be marketed when the floral stalk is 12" tall. It is desirable to have leaf growth of 6-12" and a second stalk beginning to grow. Do not cold store amaryllis plants or flowers. If they need to be held, place them at 50° F. Whenever possible, plants should be marketed with care tags. The consumer should be informed that amaryllis should be fertilized 1-2 times per month when it is growing. They can be placed outdoors in the pot when the danger of frost has passed. Amaryllis can also be used as cut flowers. They should be cut when the floral buds are colored, but not yet open. To prevent the splitting and outrolling of the cut stem, the flowers can be held in 0125 sucrose for 24 hours at 72°F before shipping.

More Details
Hippeastrum Holland - Double Flowering Striped Amadeus

Hippeastrum Holland - Double Flowering 'Striped Amadeus'

Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024


Holland Amaryllis are available from October until April. Because of the large assortment that is presently on the market, it is difficult to give an exact forcing schedule. Generally the amaryllis flower more consistently after January 1. As a rule it takes 4 weeks to flower after shoot emerges.


                For Christmas:

                Plant November 10, recommended to use Southern Hemisphere bulbs


                For Valentines:

                Plant December 20, Use only size 30/32 of Ludwig Goliath, Fantastica, Dutch Belle, Apple Blossom, or Maria Goretti


                For Easter:

                All varieties and sizes are suitable, schedule ship date 6 weeks before Easter


Storage Upon Arrival

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F

Planting and Fertilization

Amaryllis must be planted in a well-drained, pH 6.0-6.5, sterilized planting medium. NEVER USE FRESH MANURE as part of the medium. Normally one bulb is planted per 5 1/2" or 6" (13-15 cm.) standard pot or 3 smaller bulbs in a 8" pot. Plant the bulb with the nose slightly above the rim of the pot - about 1/3 of the bulb will be out of the pot. The use of a plastic pot is preferred. Force bulbs pot to pot on the bench. After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. Do not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose. Initially, amaryllis do not need fertilization. After they are marketed consumers should be advised to fertilize the plants.


Plants should be forced in a low to medium light (1000-5000 ft. candle) intensity greenhouse. It is possible to start bulbs in a dark, temperature-controlled area before the bulbs are placed under lighted conditions.



Amaryllis are tropical plants and they can be forced over a wide range of temperatures, but 75-80°F (24-27°C) is preferred. Bottom heat should be used. Average forcing time to market stage of development is 6-8 weeks. It will vary with each cultivar and forcing period. It is also important to note that amaryllis lots are somewhat variable and no guarantee as to flowering time can be given.

Marketing, Harvesting and Storage

Amaryllis should be marketed when the floral stalk is 12" tall. It is desirable to have leaf growth of 6-12" and a second stalk beginning to grow. Do not cold store amaryllis plants or flowers. If they need to be held, place them at 50° F. Whenever possible, plants should be marketed with care tags. The consumer should be informed that amaryllis should be fertilized 1-2 times per month when it is growing. They can be placed outdoors in the pot when the danger of frost has passed. Amaryllis can also be used as cut flowers. They should be cut when the floral buds are colored, but not yet open. To prevent the splitting and outrolling of the cut stem, the flowers can be held in 0125 sucrose for 24 hours at 72°F before shipping.

More Details
Hippeastrum Holland - Specialty Type Cleopatra

Hippeastrum Holland - Specialty Type 'Cleopatra'

Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024


Holland Amaryllis are available from October until April. Because of the large assortment that is presently on the market, it is difficult to give an exact forcing schedule. Generally the amaryllis flower more consistently after January 1. As a rule it takes 4 weeks to flower after shoot emerges.


                For Christmas:

                Plant November 10, recommended to use Southern Hemisphere bulbs


                For Valentines:

                Plant December 20, Use only size 30/32 of Ludwig Goliath, Fantastica, Dutch Belle, Apple Blossom, or Maria Goretti


                For Easter:

                All varieties and sizes are suitable, schedule ship date 6 weeks before Easter


Storage Upon Arrival

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F

Planting and Fertilization

Amaryllis must be planted in a well-drained, pH 6.0-6.5, sterilized planting medium. NEVER USE FRESH MANURE as part of the medium. Normally one bulb is planted per 5 1/2" or 6" (13-15 cm.) standard pot or 3 smaller bulbs in a 8" pot. Plant the bulb with the nose slightly above the rim of the pot - about 1/3 of the bulb will be out of the pot. The use of a plastic pot is preferred. Force bulbs pot to pot on the bench. After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. Do not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose. Initially, amaryllis do not need fertilization. After they are marketed consumers should be advised to fertilize the plants.


Plants should be forced in a low to medium light (1000-5000 ft. candle) intensity greenhouse. It is possible to start bulbs in a dark, temperature-controlled area before the bulbs are placed under lighted conditions.



Amaryllis are tropical plants and they can be forced over a wide range of temperatures, but 75-80°F (24-27°C) is preferred. Bottom heat should be used. Average forcing time to market stage of development is 6-8 weeks. It will vary with each cultivar and forcing period. It is also important to note that amaryllis lots are somewhat variable and no guarantee as to flowering time can be given.

Marketing, Harvesting and Storage

Amaryllis should be marketed when the floral stalk is 12" tall. It is desirable to have leaf growth of 6-12" and a second stalk beginning to grow. Do not cold store amaryllis plants or flowers. If they need to be held, place them at 50° F. Whenever possible, plants should be marketed with care tags. The consumer should be informed that amaryllis should be fertilized 1-2 times per month when it is growing. They can be placed outdoors in the pot when the danger of frost has passed. Amaryllis can also be used as cut flowers. They should be cut when the floral buds are colored, but not yet open. To prevent the splitting and outrolling of the cut stem, the flowers can be held in 0125 sucrose for 24 hours at 72°F before shipping.

More Details
Sold Out
Hippeastrum Holland - Specialty Type Exotic Star

Hippeastrum Holland - Specialty Type 'Exotic Star'

Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024


Holland Amaryllis are available from October until April. Because of the large assortment that is presently on the market, it is difficult to give an exact forcing schedule. Generally the amaryllis flower more consistently after January 1. As a rule it takes 4 weeks to flower after shoot emerges.


                For Christmas:

                Plant November 10, recommended to use Southern Hemisphere bulbs


                For Valentines:

                Plant December 20, Use only size 30/32 of Ludwig Goliath, Fantastica, Dutch Belle, Apple Blossom, or Maria Goretti


                For Easter:

                All varieties and sizes are suitable, schedule ship date 6 weeks before Easter


Storage Upon Arrival

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F

Planting and Fertilization

Amaryllis must be planted in a well-drained, pH 6.0-6.5, sterilized planting medium. NEVER USE FRESH MANURE as part of the medium. Normally one bulb is planted per 5 1/2" or 6" (13-15 cm.) standard pot or 3 smaller bulbs in a 8" pot. Plant the bulb with the nose slightly above the rim of the pot - about 1/3 of the bulb will be out of the pot. The use of a plastic pot is preferred. Force bulbs pot to pot on the bench. After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. Do not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose. Initially, amaryllis do not need fertilization. After they are marketed consumers should be advised to fertilize the plants.


Plants should be forced in a low to medium light (1000-5000 ft. candle) intensity greenhouse. It is possible to start bulbs in a dark, temperature-controlled area before the bulbs are placed under lighted conditions.



Amaryllis are tropical plants and they can be forced over a wide range of temperatures, but 75-80°F (24-27°C) is preferred. Bottom heat should be used. Average forcing time to market stage of development is 6-8 weeks. It will vary with each cultivar and forcing period. It is also important to note that amaryllis lots are somewhat variable and no guarantee as to flowering time can be given.

Marketing, Harvesting and Storage

Amaryllis should be marketed when the floral stalk is 12" tall. It is desirable to have leaf growth of 6-12" and a second stalk beginning to grow. Do not cold store amaryllis plants or flowers. If they need to be held, place them at 50° F. Whenever possible, plants should be marketed with care tags. The consumer should be informed that amaryllis should be fertilized 1-2 times per month when it is growing. They can be placed outdoors in the pot when the danger of frost has passed. Amaryllis can also be used as cut flowers. They should be cut when the floral buds are colored, but not yet open. To prevent the splitting and outrolling of the cut stem, the flowers can be held in 0125 sucrose for 24 hours at 72°F before shipping.

More Details
Hippeastrum Holland - Specialty Type Papilio

Hippeastrum Holland - Specialty Type 'Papilio'

Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024


Holland Amaryllis are available from October until April. Because of the large assortment that is presently on the market, it is difficult to give an exact forcing schedule. Generally the amaryllis flower more consistently after January 1. As a rule it takes 4 weeks to flower after shoot emerges.


                For Christmas:

                Plant November 10, recommended to use Southern Hemisphere bulbs


                For Valentines:

                Plant December 20, Use only size 30/32 of Ludwig Goliath, Fantastica, Dutch Belle, Apple Blossom, or Maria Goretti


                For Easter:

                All varieties and sizes are suitable, schedule ship date 6 weeks before Easter


Storage Upon Arrival

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F

Planting and Fertilization

Amaryllis must be planted in a well-drained, pH 6.0-6.5, sterilized planting medium. NEVER USE FRESH MANURE as part of the medium. Normally one bulb is planted per 5 1/2" or 6" (13-15 cm.) standard pot or 3 smaller bulbs in a 8" pot. Plant the bulb with the nose slightly above the rim of the pot - about 1/3 of the bulb will be out of the pot. The use of a plastic pot is preferred. Force bulbs pot to pot on the bench. After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. Do not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose. Initially, amaryllis do not need fertilization. After they are marketed consumers should be advised to fertilize the plants.


Plants should be forced in a low to medium light (1000-5000 ft. candle) intensity greenhouse. It is possible to start bulbs in a dark, temperature-controlled area before the bulbs are placed under lighted conditions.



Amaryllis are tropical plants and they can be forced over a wide range of temperatures, but 75-80°F (24-27°C) is preferred. Bottom heat should be used. Average forcing time to market stage of development is 6-8 weeks. It will vary with each cultivar and forcing period. It is also important to note that amaryllis lots are somewhat variable and no guarantee as to flowering time can be given.

Marketing, Harvesting and Storage

Amaryllis should be marketed when the floral stalk is 12" tall. It is desirable to have leaf growth of 6-12" and a second stalk beginning to grow. Do not cold store amaryllis plants or flowers. If they need to be held, place them at 50° F. Whenever possible, plants should be marketed with care tags. The consumer should be informed that amaryllis should be fertilized 1-2 times per month when it is growing. They can be placed outdoors in the pot when the danger of frost has passed. Amaryllis can also be used as cut flowers. They should be cut when the floral buds are colored, but not yet open. To prevent the splitting and outrolling of the cut stem, the flowers can be held in 0125 sucrose for 24 hours at 72°F before shipping.

More Details
Hippeastrum Holland - Super Jumbo by Color

Hippeastrum Holland - Super Jumbo by Color

Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024


Holland Amaryllis are available from October until April. Because of the large assortment that is presently on the market, it is difficult to give an exact forcing schedule. Generally the amaryllis flower more consistently after January 1. As a rule it takes 4 weeks to flower after shoot emerges.


                For Christmas:

                Plant November 10, recommended to use Southern Hemisphere bulbs


                For Valentines:

                Plant December 20, Use only size 30/32 of Ludwig Goliath, Fantastica, Dutch Belle, Apple Blossom, or Maria Goretti


                For Easter:

                All varieties and sizes are suitable, schedule ship date 6 weeks before Easter


Storage Upon Arrival

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F

Planting and Fertilization

Amaryllis must be planted in a well-drained, pH 6.0-6.5, sterilized planting medium. NEVER USE FRESH MANURE as part of the medium. Normally one bulb is planted per 5 1/2" or 6" (13-15 cm.) standard pot or 3 smaller bulbs in a 8" pot. Plant the bulb with the nose slightly above the rim of the pot - about 1/3 of the bulb will be out of the pot. The use of a plastic pot is preferred. Force bulbs pot to pot on the bench. After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. Do not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose. Initially, amaryllis do not need fertilization. After they are marketed consumers should be advised to fertilize the plants.


Plants should be forced in a low to medium light (1000-5000 ft. candle) intensity greenhouse. It is possible to start bulbs in a dark, temperature-controlled area before the bulbs are placed under lighted conditions.



Amaryllis are tropical plants and they can be forced over a wide range of temperatures, but 75-80°F (24-27°C) is preferred. Bottom heat should be used. Average forcing time to market stage of development is 6-8 weeks. It will vary with each cultivar and forcing period. It is also important to note that amaryllis lots are somewhat variable and no guarantee as to flowering time can be given.

Marketing, Harvesting and Storage

Amaryllis should be marketed when the floral stalk is 12" tall. It is desirable to have leaf growth of 6-12" and a second stalk beginning to grow. Do not cold store amaryllis plants or flowers. If they need to be held, place them at 50° F. Whenever possible, plants should be marketed with care tags. The consumer should be informed that amaryllis should be fertilized 1-2 times per month when it is growing. They can be placed outdoors in the pot when the danger of frost has passed. Amaryllis can also be used as cut flowers. They should be cut when the floral buds are colored, but not yet open. To prevent the splitting and outrolling of the cut stem, the flowers can be held in 0125 sucrose for 24 hours at 72°F before shipping.

More Details
Hippeastrum Holland - Triple Flowering Arctic Nymph

Hippeastrum Holland - Triple Flowering 'Arctic Nymph'

Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024


Holland Amaryllis are available from October until April. Because of the large assortment that is presently on the market, it is difficult to give an exact forcing schedule. Generally the amaryllis flower more consistently after January 1. As a rule it takes 4 weeks to flower after shoot emerges.


                For Christmas:

                Plant November 10, recommended to use Southern Hemisphere bulbs


                For Valentines:

                Plant December 20, Use only size 30/32 of Ludwig Goliath, Fantastica, Dutch Belle, Apple Blossom, or Maria Goretti


                For Easter:

                All varieties and sizes are suitable, schedule ship date 6 weeks before Easter


Storage Upon Arrival

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F

Planting and Fertilization

Amaryllis must be planted in a well-drained, pH 6.0-6.5, sterilized planting medium. NEVER USE FRESH MANURE as part of the medium. Normally one bulb is planted per 5 1/2" or 6" (13-15 cm.) standard pot or 3 smaller bulbs in a 8" pot. Plant the bulb with the nose slightly above the rim of the pot - about 1/3 of the bulb will be out of the pot. The use of a plastic pot is preferred. Force bulbs pot to pot on the bench. After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. Do not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose. Initially, amaryllis do not need fertilization. After they are marketed consumers should be advised to fertilize the plants.


Plants should be forced in a low to medium light (1000-5000 ft. candle) intensity greenhouse. It is possible to start bulbs in a dark, temperature-controlled area before the bulbs are placed under lighted conditions.



Amaryllis are tropical plants and they can be forced over a wide range of temperatures, but 75-80°F (24-27°C) is preferred. Bottom heat should be used. Average forcing time to market stage of development is 6-8 weeks. It will vary with each cultivar and forcing period. It is also important to note that amaryllis lots are somewhat variable and no guarantee as to flowering time can be given.

Marketing, Harvesting and Storage

Amaryllis should be marketed when the floral stalk is 12" tall. It is desirable to have leaf growth of 6-12" and a second stalk beginning to grow. Do not cold store amaryllis plants or flowers. If they need to be held, place them at 50° F. Whenever possible, plants should be marketed with care tags. The consumer should be informed that amaryllis should be fertilized 1-2 times per month when it is growing. They can be placed outdoors in the pot when the danger of frost has passed. Amaryllis can also be used as cut flowers. They should be cut when the floral buds are colored, but not yet open. To prevent the splitting and outrolling of the cut stem, the flowers can be held in 0125 sucrose for 24 hours at 72°F before shipping.

More Details
Hippeastrum Holland - Triple Flowering Cherry Nymph

Hippeastrum Holland - Triple Flowering 'Cherry Nymph'

Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024


Holland Amaryllis are available from October until April. Because of the large assortment that is presently on the market, it is difficult to give an exact forcing schedule. Generally the amaryllis flower more consistently after January 1. As a rule it takes 4 weeks to flower after shoot emerges.


                For Christmas:

                Plant November 10, recommended to use Southern Hemisphere bulbs


                For Valentines:

                Plant December 20, Use only size 30/32 of Ludwig Goliath, Fantastica, Dutch Belle, Apple Blossom, or Maria Goretti


                For Easter:

                All varieties and sizes are suitable, schedule ship date 6 weeks before Easter


Storage Upon Arrival

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F

Planting and Fertilization

Amaryllis must be planted in a well-drained, pH 6.0-6.5, sterilized planting medium. NEVER USE FRESH MANURE as part of the medium. Normally one bulb is planted per 5 1/2" or 6" (13-15 cm.) standard pot or 3 smaller bulbs in a 8" pot. Plant the bulb with the nose slightly above the rim of the pot - about 1/3 of the bulb will be out of the pot. The use of a plastic pot is preferred. Force bulbs pot to pot on the bench. After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. Do not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose. Initially, amaryllis do not need fertilization. After they are marketed consumers should be advised to fertilize the plants.


Plants should be forced in a low to medium light (1000-5000 ft. candle) intensity greenhouse. It is possible to start bulbs in a dark, temperature-controlled area before the bulbs are placed under lighted conditions.



Amaryllis are tropical plants and they can be forced over a wide range of temperatures, but 75-80°F (24-27°C) is preferred. Bottom heat should be used. Average forcing time to market stage of development is 6-8 weeks. It will vary with each cultivar and forcing period. It is also important to note that amaryllis lots are somewhat variable and no guarantee as to flowering time can be given.

Marketing, Harvesting and Storage

Amaryllis should be marketed when the floral stalk is 12" tall. It is desirable to have leaf growth of 6-12" and a second stalk beginning to grow. Do not cold store amaryllis plants or flowers. If they need to be held, place them at 50° F. Whenever possible, plants should be marketed with care tags. The consumer should be informed that amaryllis should be fertilized 1-2 times per month when it is growing. They can be placed outdoors in the pot when the danger of frost has passed. Amaryllis can also be used as cut flowers. They should be cut when the floral buds are colored, but not yet open. To prevent the splitting and outrolling of the cut stem, the flowers can be held in 0125 sucrose for 24 hours at 72°F before shipping.

More Details
Hippeastrum Holland - Triple Flowering Pretty Nymph

Hippeastrum Holland - Triple Flowering 'Pretty Nymph'

Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024


Holland Amaryllis are available from October until April. Because of the large assortment that is presently on the market, it is difficult to give an exact forcing schedule. Generally the amaryllis flower more consistently after January 1. As a rule it takes 4 weeks to flower after shoot emerges.


                For Christmas:

                Plant November 10, recommended to use Southern Hemisphere bulbs


                For Valentines:

                Plant December 20, Use only size 30/32 of Ludwig Goliath, Fantastica, Dutch Belle, Apple Blossom, or Maria Goretti


                For Easter:

                All varieties and sizes are suitable, schedule ship date 6 weeks before Easter


Storage Upon Arrival

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F

Planting and Fertilization

Amaryllis must be planted in a well-drained, pH 6.0-6.5, sterilized planting medium. NEVER USE FRESH MANURE as part of the medium. Normally one bulb is planted per 5 1/2" or 6" (13-15 cm.) standard pot or 3 smaller bulbs in a 8" pot. Plant the bulb with the nose slightly above the rim of the pot - about 1/3 of the bulb will be out of the pot. The use of a plastic pot is preferred. Force bulbs pot to pot on the bench. After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. Do not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose. Initially, amaryllis do not need fertilization. After they are marketed consumers should be advised to fertilize the plants.


Plants should be forced in a low to medium light (1000-5000 ft. candle) intensity greenhouse. It is possible to start bulbs in a dark, temperature-controlled area before the bulbs are placed under lighted conditions.



Amaryllis are tropical plants and they can be forced over a wide range of temperatures, but 75-80°F (24-27°C) is preferred. Bottom heat should be used. Average forcing time to market stage of development is 6-8 weeks. It will vary with each cultivar and forcing period. It is also important to note that amaryllis lots are somewhat variable and no guarantee as to flowering time can be given.

Marketing, Harvesting and Storage

Amaryllis should be marketed when the floral stalk is 12" tall. It is desirable to have leaf growth of 6-12" and a second stalk beginning to grow. Do not cold store amaryllis plants or flowers. If they need to be held, place them at 50° F. Whenever possible, plants should be marketed with care tags. The consumer should be informed that amaryllis should be fertilized 1-2 times per month when it is growing. They can be placed outdoors in the pot when the danger of frost has passed. Amaryllis can also be used as cut flowers. They should be cut when the floral buds are colored, but not yet open. To prevent the splitting and outrolling of the cut stem, the flowers can be held in 0125 sucrose for 24 hours at 72°F before shipping.

More Details
Hippeastrum Holland - Triple Flowering Sunshine Nymph

Hippeastrum Holland - Triple Flowering 'Sunshine Nymph'

Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024


Holland Amaryllis are available from October until April. Because of the large assortment that is presently on the market, it is difficult to give an exact forcing schedule. Generally the amaryllis flower more consistently after January 1. As a rule it takes 4 weeks to flower after shoot emerges.


                For Christmas:

                Plant November 10, recommended to use Southern Hemisphere bulbs


                For Valentines:

                Plant December 20, Use only size 30/32 of Ludwig Goliath, Fantastica, Dutch Belle, Apple Blossom, or Maria Goretti


                For Easter:

                All varieties and sizes are suitable, schedule ship date 6 weeks before Easter


Storage Upon Arrival

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F

Planting and Fertilization

Amaryllis must be planted in a well-drained, pH 6.0-6.5, sterilized planting medium. NEVER USE FRESH MANURE as part of the medium. Normally one bulb is planted per 5 1/2" or 6" (13-15 cm.) standard pot or 3 smaller bulbs in a 8" pot. Plant the bulb with the nose slightly above the rim of the pot - about 1/3 of the bulb will be out of the pot. The use of a plastic pot is preferred. Force bulbs pot to pot on the bench. After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. Do not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose. Initially, amaryllis do not need fertilization. After they are marketed consumers should be advised to fertilize the plants.


Plants should be forced in a low to medium light (1000-5000 ft. candle) intensity greenhouse. It is possible to start bulbs in a dark, temperature-controlled area before the bulbs are placed under lighted conditions.



Amaryllis are tropical plants and they can be forced over a wide range of temperatures, but 75-80°F (24-27°C) is preferred. Bottom heat should be used. Average forcing time to market stage of development is 6-8 weeks. It will vary with each cultivar and forcing period. It is also important to note that amaryllis lots are somewhat variable and no guarantee as to flowering time can be given.

Marketing, Harvesting and Storage

Amaryllis should be marketed when the floral stalk is 12" tall. It is desirable to have leaf growth of 6-12" and a second stalk beginning to grow. Do not cold store amaryllis plants or flowers. If they need to be held, place them at 50° F. Whenever possible, plants should be marketed with care tags. The consumer should be informed that amaryllis should be fertilized 1-2 times per month when it is growing. They can be placed outdoors in the pot when the danger of frost has passed. Amaryllis can also be used as cut flowers. They should be cut when the floral buds are colored, but not yet open. To prevent the splitting and outrolling of the cut stem, the flowers can be held in 0125 sucrose for 24 hours at 72°F before shipping.

More Details
Hippeastrum Holland - Trumpet Type Estella

Hippeastrum Holland - Trumpet Type 'Estella'

Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024


Holland Amaryllis are available from October until April. Because of the large assortment that is presently on the market, it is difficult to give an exact forcing schedule. Generally the amaryllis flower more consistently after January 1. As a rule it takes 4 weeks to flower after shoot emerges.


                For Christmas:

                Plant November 10, recommended to use Southern Hemisphere bulbs


                For Valentines:

                Plant December 20, Use only size 30/32 of Ludwig Goliath, Fantastica, Dutch Belle, Apple Blossom, or Maria Goretti


                For Easter:

                All varieties and sizes are suitable, schedule ship date 6 weeks before Easter


Storage Upon Arrival

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F

Planting and Fertilization

Amaryllis must be planted in a well-drained, pH 6.0-6.5, sterilized planting medium. NEVER USE FRESH MANURE as part of the medium. Normally one bulb is planted per 5 1/2" or 6" (13-15 cm.) standard pot or 3 smaller bulbs in a 8" pot. Plant the bulb with the nose slightly above the rim of the pot - about 1/3 of the bulb will be out of the pot. The use of a plastic pot is preferred. Force bulbs pot to pot on the bench. After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. Do not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose. Initially, amaryllis do not need fertilization. After they are marketed consumers should be advised to fertilize the plants.


Plants should be forced in a low to medium light (1000-5000 ft. candle) intensity greenhouse. It is possible to start bulbs in a dark, temperature-controlled area before the bulbs are placed under lighted conditions.



Amaryllis are tropical plants and they can be forced over a wide range of temperatures, but 75-80°F (24-27°C) is preferred. Bottom heat should be used. Average forcing time to market stage of development is 6-8 weeks. It will vary with each cultivar and forcing period. It is also important to note that amaryllis lots are somewhat variable and no guarantee as to flowering time can be given.

Marketing, Harvesting and Storage

Amaryllis should be marketed when the floral stalk is 12" tall. It is desirable to have leaf growth of 6-12" and a second stalk beginning to grow. Do not cold store amaryllis plants or flowers. If they need to be held, place them at 50° F. Whenever possible, plants should be marketed with care tags. The consumer should be informed that amaryllis should be fertilized 1-2 times per month when it is growing. They can be placed outdoors in the pot when the danger of frost has passed. Amaryllis can also be used as cut flowers. They should be cut when the floral buds are colored, but not yet open. To prevent the splitting and outrolling of the cut stem, the flowers can be held in 0125 sucrose for 24 hours at 72°F before shipping.

More Details
Hippeastrum Holland - Trumpet Type Rebecca

Hippeastrum Holland - Trumpet Type 'Rebecca'

Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024


Holland Amaryllis are available from October until April. Because of the large assortment that is presently on the market, it is difficult to give an exact forcing schedule. Generally the amaryllis flower more consistently after January 1. As a rule it takes 4 weeks to flower after shoot emerges.


                For Christmas:

                Plant November 10, recommended to use Southern Hemisphere bulbs


                For Valentines:

                Plant December 20, Use only size 30/32 of Ludwig Goliath, Fantastica, Dutch Belle, Apple Blossom, or Maria Goretti


                For Easter:

                All varieties and sizes are suitable, schedule ship date 6 weeks before Easter


Storage Upon Arrival

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F

Planting and Fertilization

Amaryllis must be planted in a well-drained, pH 6.0-6.5, sterilized planting medium. NEVER USE FRESH MANURE as part of the medium. Normally one bulb is planted per 5 1/2" or 6" (13-15 cm.) standard pot or 3 smaller bulbs in a 8" pot. Plant the bulb with the nose slightly above the rim of the pot - about 1/3 of the bulb will be out of the pot. The use of a plastic pot is preferred. Force bulbs pot to pot on the bench. After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. Do not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose. Initially, amaryllis do not need fertilization. After they are marketed consumers should be advised to fertilize the plants.


Plants should be forced in a low to medium light (1000-5000 ft. candle) intensity greenhouse. It is possible to start bulbs in a dark, temperature-controlled area before the bulbs are placed under lighted conditions.



Amaryllis are tropical plants and they can be forced over a wide range of temperatures, but 75-80°F (24-27°C) is preferred. Bottom heat should be used. Average forcing time to market stage of development is 6-8 weeks. It will vary with each cultivar and forcing period. It is also important to note that amaryllis lots are somewhat variable and no guarantee as to flowering time can be given.

Marketing, Harvesting and Storage

Amaryllis should be marketed when the floral stalk is 12" tall. It is desirable to have leaf growth of 6-12" and a second stalk beginning to grow. Do not cold store amaryllis plants or flowers. If they need to be held, place them at 50° F. Whenever possible, plants should be marketed with care tags. The consumer should be informed that amaryllis should be fertilized 1-2 times per month when it is growing. They can be placed outdoors in the pot when the danger of frost has passed. Amaryllis can also be used as cut flowers. They should be cut when the floral buds are colored, but not yet open. To prevent the splitting and outrolling of the cut stem, the flowers can be held in 0125 sucrose for 24 hours at 72°F before shipping.

More Details
Hippeastrum Holland - Trumpet Type Santiago

Hippeastrum Holland - Trumpet Type 'Santiago'

Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024


Holland Amaryllis are available from October until April. Because of the large assortment that is presently on the market, it is difficult to give an exact forcing schedule. Generally the amaryllis flower more consistently after January 1. As a rule it takes 4 weeks to flower after shoot emerges.


                For Christmas:

                Plant November 10, recommended to use Southern Hemisphere bulbs


                For Valentines:

                Plant December 20, Use only size 30/32 of Ludwig Goliath, Fantastica, Dutch Belle, Apple Blossom, or Maria Goretti


                For Easter:

                All varieties and sizes are suitable, schedule ship date 6 weeks before Easter


Storage Upon Arrival

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F

Planting and Fertilization

Amaryllis must be planted in a well-drained, pH 6.0-6.5, sterilized planting medium. NEVER USE FRESH MANURE as part of the medium. Normally one bulb is planted per 5 1/2" or 6" (13-15 cm.) standard pot or 3 smaller bulbs in a 8" pot. Plant the bulb with the nose slightly above the rim of the pot - about 1/3 of the bulb will be out of the pot. The use of a plastic pot is preferred. Force bulbs pot to pot on the bench. After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. Do not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose. Initially, amaryllis do not need fertilization. After they are marketed consumers should be advised to fertilize the plants.


Plants should be forced in a low to medium light (1000-5000 ft. candle) intensity greenhouse. It is possible to start bulbs in a dark, temperature-controlled area before the bulbs are placed under lighted conditions.



Amaryllis are tropical plants and they can be forced over a wide range of temperatures, but 75-80°F (24-27°C) is preferred. Bottom heat should be used. Average forcing time to market stage of development is 6-8 weeks. It will vary with each cultivar and forcing period. It is also important to note that amaryllis lots are somewhat variable and no guarantee as to flowering time can be given.

Marketing, Harvesting and Storage

Amaryllis should be marketed when the floral stalk is 12" tall. It is desirable to have leaf growth of 6-12" and a second stalk beginning to grow. Do not cold store amaryllis plants or flowers. If they need to be held, place them at 50° F. Whenever possible, plants should be marketed with care tags. The consumer should be informed that amaryllis should be fertilized 1-2 times per month when it is growing. They can be placed outdoors in the pot when the danger of frost has passed. Amaryllis can also be used as cut flowers. They should be cut when the floral buds are colored, but not yet open. To prevent the splitting and outrolling of the cut stem, the flowers can be held in 0125 sucrose for 24 hours at 72°F before shipping.

More Details
Hippeastrum Southern Hemisphere Alasca

Hippeastrum Southern Hemisphere 'Alasca'

Christmas Forcing Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024

Storage upon arrival:

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F


Use sterilized, well-draining planting medium with a pH 6.00 to 6.80. Never use fresh manure or tree bark as part of the medium. Ideally the soil mix should consist of 1/3 peat, 1/3 sand, 1/3 compost or 1/2 peat and 1/2 sand or 60% coarse peat + 40% perlite. Branded potting soils such as Sunshine #4 may also be used. Use clean pots which will accommodate the bulb(s) comfortably without much room to spare. Pots must have drainage holes. Do not damage or remove existing roots. Hold the bulb so that the roots hang down into the pot. Firm in the medium around the bulb so that no air pockets remain amongst the roots. The bulb nose should be above the rim of the pot, and the shoulders of the bulb just above the surface of the soil. Pots may be placed next to each other. Do not use saucers. Ensure that the area is well ventilated and that the relative humidity stay as low as possible.


After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. It is important not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose.


Maintain a CONSTANT temperature day and night of 79° F to 82° F for optimal results - bottom heating is preferred. During the forcing period the temperature should never fall below 72° F or rise above 86° F. To delay the flowering, place pots at 48° F at stage 2 (before opening of the first bud). At this temperature growth will virtually come to a halt and the plants may be kept at this temperature for up to 10 days. To make the plants resume growth, move the pots to a warmer area. No water should be administered while the plants are 9° C (48° F). To ACCELERATE growth, increase the temperature in the greenhouse, always ensuring an even, constant temperature day and night. Do not exceed 86° F.


Hippeastrums may be forced in full light as well as in darkness (until stage 2) as long as the above guidelines as to temperature, ventilation and humidity are followed. If the bulbs have been forced in the dark until stage 2, the plants will need source is oblique from one side. Low light conditions and lower temperatures during forcing will result in taller stems at flowering. High light conditions and higher temperatures during forcing will promote shorter stems at flowering

More Details
Hippeastrum Southern Hemisphere Amadeus

Hippeastrum Southern Hemisphere 'Amadeus'

Christmas Forcing Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024

Storage upon arrival:

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F


Use sterilized, well-draining planting medium with a pH 6.00 to 6.80. Never use fresh manure or tree bark as part of the medium. Ideally the soil mix should consist of 1/3 peat, 1/3 sand, 1/3 compost or 1/2 peat and 1/2 sand or 60% coarse peat + 40% perlite. Branded potting soils such as Sunshine #4 may also be used. Use clean pots which will accommodate the bulb(s) comfortably without much room to spare. Pots must have drainage holes. Do not damage or remove existing roots. Hold the bulb so that the roots hang down into the pot. Firm in the medium around the bulb so that no air pockets remain amongst the roots. The bulb nose should be above the rim of the pot, and the shoulders of the bulb just above the surface of the soil. Pots may be placed next to each other. Do not use saucers. Ensure that the area is well ventilated and that the relative humidity stay as low as possible.


After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. It is important not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose.


Maintain a CONSTANT temperature day and night of 79° F to 82° F for optimal results - bottom heating is preferred. During the forcing period the temperature should never fall below 72° F or rise above 86° F. To delay the flowering, place pots at 48° F at stage 2 (before opening of the first bud). At this temperature growth will virtually come to a halt and the plants may be kept at this temperature for up to 10 days. To make the plants resume growth, move the pots to a warmer area. No water should be administered while the plants are 9° C (48° F). To ACCELERATE growth, increase the temperature in the greenhouse, always ensuring an even, constant temperature day and night. Do not exceed 86° F.


Hippeastrums may be forced in full light as well as in darkness (until stage 2) as long as the above guidelines as to temperature, ventilation and humidity are followed. If the bulbs have been forced in the dark until stage 2, the plants will need source is oblique from one side. Low light conditions and lower temperatures during forcing will result in taller stems at flowering. High light conditions and higher temperatures during forcing will promote shorter stems at flowering

More Details
Hippeastrum Southern Hemisphere Blossom Peacock

Hippeastrum Southern Hemisphere 'Blossom Peacock'

Christmas Forcing Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024

Storage upon arrival:

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F


Use sterilized, well-draining planting medium with a pH 6.00 to 6.80. Never use fresh manure or tree bark as part of the medium. Ideally the soil mix should consist of 1/3 peat, 1/3 sand, 1/3 compost or 1/2 peat and 1/2 sand or 60% coarse peat + 40% perlite. Branded potting soils such as Sunshine #4 may also be used. Use clean pots which will accommodate the bulb(s) comfortably without much room to spare. Pots must have drainage holes. Do not damage or remove existing roots. Hold the bulb so that the roots hang down into the pot. Firm in the medium around the bulb so that no air pockets remain amongst the roots. The bulb nose should be above the rim of the pot, and the shoulders of the bulb just above the surface of the soil. Pots may be placed next to each other. Do not use saucers. Ensure that the area is well ventilated and that the relative humidity stay as low as possible.


After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. It is important not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose.


Maintain a CONSTANT temperature day and night of 79° F to 82° F for optimal results - bottom heating is preferred. During the forcing period the temperature should never fall below 72° F or rise above 86° F. To delay the flowering, place pots at 48° F at stage 2 (before opening of the first bud). At this temperature growth will virtually come to a halt and the plants may be kept at this temperature for up to 10 days. To make the plants resume growth, move the pots to a warmer area. No water should be administered while the plants are 9° C (48° F). To ACCELERATE growth, increase the temperature in the greenhouse, always ensuring an even, constant temperature day and night. Do not exceed 86° F.


Hippeastrums may be forced in full light as well as in darkness (until stage 2) as long as the above guidelines as to temperature, ventilation and humidity are followed. If the bulbs have been forced in the dark until stage 2, the plants will need source is oblique from one side. Low light conditions and lower temperatures during forcing will result in taller stems at flowering. High light conditions and higher temperatures during forcing will promote shorter stems at flowering

More Details
Hippeastrum Southern Hemisphere Bolero

Hippeastrum Southern Hemisphere 'Bolero'

Christmas Forcing Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024

Storage upon arrival:

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F


Use sterilized, well-draining planting medium with a pH 6.00 to 6.80. Never use fresh manure or tree bark as part of the medium. Ideally the soil mix should consist of 1/3 peat, 1/3 sand, 1/3 compost or 1/2 peat and 1/2 sand or 60% coarse peat + 40% perlite. Branded potting soils such as Sunshine #4 may also be used. Use clean pots which will accommodate the bulb(s) comfortably without much room to spare. Pots must have drainage holes. Do not damage or remove existing roots. Hold the bulb so that the roots hang down into the pot. Firm in the medium around the bulb so that no air pockets remain amongst the roots. The bulb nose should be above the rim of the pot, and the shoulders of the bulb just above the surface of the soil. Pots may be placed next to each other. Do not use saucers. Ensure that the area is well ventilated and that the relative humidity stay as low as possible.


After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. It is important not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose.


Maintain a CONSTANT temperature day and night of 79° F to 82° F for optimal results - bottom heating is preferred. During the forcing period the temperature should never fall below 72° F or rise above 86° F. To delay the flowering, place pots at 48° F at stage 2 (before opening of the first bud). At this temperature growth will virtually come to a halt and the plants may be kept at this temperature for up to 10 days. To make the plants resume growth, move the pots to a warmer area. No water should be administered while the plants are 9° C (48° F). To ACCELERATE growth, increase the temperature in the greenhouse, always ensuring an even, constant temperature day and night. Do not exceed 86° F.


Hippeastrums may be forced in full light as well as in darkness (until stage 2) as long as the above guidelines as to temperature, ventilation and humidity are followed. If the bulbs have been forced in the dark until stage 2, the plants will need source is oblique from one side. Low light conditions and lower temperatures during forcing will result in taller stems at flowering. High light conditions and higher temperatures during forcing will promote shorter stems at flowering

More Details
Hippeastrum Southern Hemisphere Cherry Blossom

Hippeastrum Southern Hemisphere 'Cherry Blossom'

Christmas Forcing Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024

Storage upon arrival:

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F


Use sterilized, well-draining planting medium with a pH 6.00 to 6.80. Never use fresh manure or tree bark as part of the medium. Ideally the soil mix should consist of 1/3 peat, 1/3 sand, 1/3 compost or 1/2 peat and 1/2 sand or 60% coarse peat + 40% perlite. Branded potting soils such as Sunshine #4 may also be used. Use clean pots which will accommodate the bulb(s) comfortably without much room to spare. Pots must have drainage holes. Do not damage or remove existing roots. Hold the bulb so that the roots hang down into the pot. Firm in the medium around the bulb so that no air pockets remain amongst the roots. The bulb nose should be above the rim of the pot, and the shoulders of the bulb just above the surface of the soil. Pots may be placed next to each other. Do not use saucers. Ensure that the area is well ventilated and that the relative humidity stay as low as possible.


After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. It is important not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose.


Maintain a CONSTANT temperature day and night of 79° F to 82° F for optimal results - bottom heating is preferred. During the forcing period the temperature should never fall below 72° F or rise above 86° F. To delay the flowering, place pots at 48° F at stage 2 (before opening of the first bud). At this temperature growth will virtually come to a halt and the plants may be kept at this temperature for up to 10 days. To make the plants resume growth, move the pots to a warmer area. No water should be administered while the plants are 9° C (48° F). To ACCELERATE growth, increase the temperature in the greenhouse, always ensuring an even, constant temperature day and night. Do not exceed 86° F.


Hippeastrums may be forced in full light as well as in darkness (until stage 2) as long as the above guidelines as to temperature, ventilation and humidity are followed. If the bulbs have been forced in the dark until stage 2, the plants will need source is oblique from one side. Low light conditions and lower temperatures during forcing will result in taller stems at flowering. High light conditions and higher temperatures during forcing will promote shorter stems at flowering

More Details
Hippeastrum Southern Hemisphere Denver

Hippeastrum Southern Hemisphere 'Denver'

Christmas Forcing Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024

Storage upon arrival:

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F


Use sterilized, well-draining planting medium with a pH 6.00 to 6.80. Never use fresh manure or tree bark as part of the medium. Ideally the soil mix should consist of 1/3 peat, 1/3 sand, 1/3 compost or 1/2 peat and 1/2 sand or 60% coarse peat + 40% perlite. Branded potting soils such as Sunshine #4 may also be used. Use clean pots which will accommodate the bulb(s) comfortably without much room to spare. Pots must have drainage holes. Do not damage or remove existing roots. Hold the bulb so that the roots hang down into the pot. Firm in the medium around the bulb so that no air pockets remain amongst the roots. The bulb nose should be above the rim of the pot, and the shoulders of the bulb just above the surface of the soil. Pots may be placed next to each other. Do not use saucers. Ensure that the area is well ventilated and that the relative humidity stay as low as possible.


After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. It is important not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose.


Maintain a CONSTANT temperature day and night of 79° F to 82° F for optimal results - bottom heating is preferred. During the forcing period the temperature should never fall below 72° F or rise above 86° F. To delay the flowering, place pots at 48° F at stage 2 (before opening of the first bud). At this temperature growth will virtually come to a halt and the plants may be kept at this temperature for up to 10 days. To make the plants resume growth, move the pots to a warmer area. No water should be administered while the plants are 9° C (48° F). To ACCELERATE growth, increase the temperature in the greenhouse, always ensuring an even, constant temperature day and night. Do not exceed 86° F.


Hippeastrums may be forced in full light as well as in darkness (until stage 2) as long as the above guidelines as to temperature, ventilation and humidity are followed. If the bulbs have been forced in the dark until stage 2, the plants will need source is oblique from one side. Low light conditions and lower temperatures during forcing will result in taller stems at flowering. High light conditions and higher temperatures during forcing will promote shorter stems at flowering

More Details
Hippeastrum Southern Hemisphere Double King

Hippeastrum Southern Hemisphere 'Double King'

Christmas Forcing Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024

Storage upon arrival:

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F


Use sterilized, well-draining planting medium with a pH 6.00 to 6.80. Never use fresh manure or tree bark as part of the medium. Ideally the soil mix should consist of 1/3 peat, 1/3 sand, 1/3 compost or 1/2 peat and 1/2 sand or 60% coarse peat + 40% perlite. Branded potting soils such as Sunshine #4 may also be used. Use clean pots which will accommodate the bulb(s) comfortably without much room to spare. Pots must have drainage holes. Do not damage or remove existing roots. Hold the bulb so that the roots hang down into the pot. Firm in the medium around the bulb so that no air pockets remain amongst the roots. The bulb nose should be above the rim of the pot, and the shoulders of the bulb just above the surface of the soil. Pots may be placed next to each other. Do not use saucers. Ensure that the area is well ventilated and that the relative humidity stay as low as possible.


After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. It is important not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose.


Maintain a CONSTANT temperature day and night of 79° F to 82° F for optimal results - bottom heating is preferred. During the forcing period the temperature should never fall below 72° F or rise above 86° F. To delay the flowering, place pots at 48° F at stage 2 (before opening of the first bud). At this temperature growth will virtually come to a halt and the plants may be kept at this temperature for up to 10 days. To make the plants resume growth, move the pots to a warmer area. No water should be administered while the plants are 9° C (48° F). To ACCELERATE growth, increase the temperature in the greenhouse, always ensuring an even, constant temperature day and night. Do not exceed 86° F.


Hippeastrums may be forced in full light as well as in darkness (until stage 2) as long as the above guidelines as to temperature, ventilation and humidity are followed. If the bulbs have been forced in the dark until stage 2, the plants will need source is oblique from one side. Low light conditions and lower temperatures during forcing will result in taller stems at flowering. High light conditions and higher temperatures during forcing will promote shorter stems at flowering

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Hippeastrum Southern Hemisphere Lemon Star

Hippeastrum Southern Hemisphere 'Lemon Star'

Christmas Forcing Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024

Storage upon arrival:

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F


Use sterilized, well-draining planting medium with a pH 6.00 to 6.80. Never use fresh manure or tree bark as part of the medium. Ideally the soil mix should consist of 1/3 peat, 1/3 sand, 1/3 compost or 1/2 peat and 1/2 sand or 60% coarse peat + 40% perlite. Branded potting soils such as Sunshine #4 may also be used. Use clean pots which will accommodate the bulb(s) comfortably without much room to spare. Pots must have drainage holes. Do not damage or remove existing roots. Hold the bulb so that the roots hang down into the pot. Firm in the medium around the bulb so that no air pockets remain amongst the roots. The bulb nose should be above the rim of the pot, and the shoulders of the bulb just above the surface of the soil. Pots may be placed next to each other. Do not use saucers. Ensure that the area is well ventilated and that the relative humidity stay as low as possible.


After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. It is important not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose.


Maintain a CONSTANT temperature day and night of 79° F to 82° F for optimal results - bottom heating is preferred. During the forcing period the temperature should never fall below 72° F or rise above 86° F. To delay the flowering, place pots at 48° F at stage 2 (before opening of the first bud). At this temperature growth will virtually come to a halt and the plants may be kept at this temperature for up to 10 days. To make the plants resume growth, move the pots to a warmer area. No water should be administered while the plants are 9° C (48° F). To ACCELERATE growth, increase the temperature in the greenhouse, always ensuring an even, constant temperature day and night. Do not exceed 86° F.


Hippeastrums may be forced in full light as well as in darkness (until stage 2) as long as the above guidelines as to temperature, ventilation and humidity are followed. If the bulbs have been forced in the dark until stage 2, the plants will need source is oblique from one side. Low light conditions and lower temperatures during forcing will result in taller stems at flowering. High light conditions and higher temperatures during forcing will promote shorter stems at flowering

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Hippeastrum Southern Hemisphere Mandela

Hippeastrum Southern Hemisphere 'Mandela'

Christmas Forcing Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024

Storage upon arrival:

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F


Use sterilized, well-draining planting medium with a pH 6.00 to 6.80. Never use fresh manure or tree bark as part of the medium. Ideally the soil mix should consist of 1/3 peat, 1/3 sand, 1/3 compost or 1/2 peat and 1/2 sand or 60% coarse peat + 40% perlite. Branded potting soils such as Sunshine #4 may also be used. Use clean pots which will accommodate the bulb(s) comfortably without much room to spare. Pots must have drainage holes. Do not damage or remove existing roots. Hold the bulb so that the roots hang down into the pot. Firm in the medium around the bulb so that no air pockets remain amongst the roots. The bulb nose should be above the rim of the pot, and the shoulders of the bulb just above the surface of the soil. Pots may be placed next to each other. Do not use saucers. Ensure that the area is well ventilated and that the relative humidity stay as low as possible.


After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. It is important not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose.


Maintain a CONSTANT temperature day and night of 79° F to 82° F for optimal results - bottom heating is preferred. During the forcing period the temperature should never fall below 72° F or rise above 86° F. To delay the flowering, place pots at 48° F at stage 2 (before opening of the first bud). At this temperature growth will virtually come to a halt and the plants may be kept at this temperature for up to 10 days. To make the plants resume growth, move the pots to a warmer area. No water should be administered while the plants are 9° C (48° F). To ACCELERATE growth, increase the temperature in the greenhouse, always ensuring an even, constant temperature day and night. Do not exceed 86° F.


Hippeastrums may be forced in full light as well as in darkness (until stage 2) as long as the above guidelines as to temperature, ventilation and humidity are followed. If the bulbs have been forced in the dark until stage 2, the plants will need source is oblique from one side. Low light conditions and lower temperatures during forcing will result in taller stems at flowering. High light conditions and higher temperatures during forcing will promote shorter stems at flowering

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Hippeastrum Southern Hemisphere Minerva

Hippeastrum Southern Hemisphere 'Minerva'

Christmas Forcing Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024

Storage upon arrival:

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F


Use sterilized, well-draining planting medium with a pH 6.00 to 6.80. Never use fresh manure or tree bark as part of the medium. Ideally the soil mix should consist of 1/3 peat, 1/3 sand, 1/3 compost or 1/2 peat and 1/2 sand or 60% coarse peat + 40% perlite. Branded potting soils such as Sunshine #4 may also be used. Use clean pots which will accommodate the bulb(s) comfortably without much room to spare. Pots must have drainage holes. Do not damage or remove existing roots. Hold the bulb so that the roots hang down into the pot. Firm in the medium around the bulb so that no air pockets remain amongst the roots. The bulb nose should be above the rim of the pot, and the shoulders of the bulb just above the surface of the soil. Pots may be placed next to each other. Do not use saucers. Ensure that the area is well ventilated and that the relative humidity stay as low as possible.


After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. It is important not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose.


Maintain a CONSTANT temperature day and night of 79° F to 82° F for optimal results - bottom heating is preferred. During the forcing period the temperature should never fall below 72° F or rise above 86° F. To delay the flowering, place pots at 48° F at stage 2 (before opening of the first bud). At this temperature growth will virtually come to a halt and the plants may be kept at this temperature for up to 10 days. To make the plants resume growth, move the pots to a warmer area. No water should be administered while the plants are 9° C (48° F). To ACCELERATE growth, increase the temperature in the greenhouse, always ensuring an even, constant temperature day and night. Do not exceed 86° F.


Hippeastrums may be forced in full light as well as in darkness (until stage 2) as long as the above guidelines as to temperature, ventilation and humidity are followed. If the bulbs have been forced in the dark until stage 2, the plants will need source is oblique from one side. Low light conditions and lower temperatures during forcing will result in taller stems at flowering. High light conditions and higher temperatures during forcing will promote shorter stems at flowering

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Hippeastrum Southern Hemisphere Picasso

Hippeastrum Southern Hemisphere 'Picasso'

Christmas Forcing Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024

Storage upon arrival:

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F


Use sterilized, well-draining planting medium with a pH 6.00 to 6.80. Never use fresh manure or tree bark as part of the medium. Ideally the soil mix should consist of 1/3 peat, 1/3 sand, 1/3 compost or 1/2 peat and 1/2 sand or 60% coarse peat + 40% perlite. Branded potting soils such as Sunshine #4 may also be used. Use clean pots which will accommodate the bulb(s) comfortably without much room to spare. Pots must have drainage holes. Do not damage or remove existing roots. Hold the bulb so that the roots hang down into the pot. Firm in the medium around the bulb so that no air pockets remain amongst the roots. The bulb nose should be above the rim of the pot, and the shoulders of the bulb just above the surface of the soil. Pots may be placed next to each other. Do not use saucers. Ensure that the area is well ventilated and that the relative humidity stay as low as possible.


After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. It is important not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose.


Maintain a CONSTANT temperature day and night of 79° F to 82° F for optimal results - bottom heating is preferred. During the forcing period the temperature should never fall below 72° F or rise above 86° F. To delay the flowering, place pots at 48° F at stage 2 (before opening of the first bud). At this temperature growth will virtually come to a halt and the plants may be kept at this temperature for up to 10 days. To make the plants resume growth, move the pots to a warmer area. No water should be administered while the plants are 9° C (48° F). To ACCELERATE growth, increase the temperature in the greenhouse, always ensuring an even, constant temperature day and night. Do not exceed 86° F.


Hippeastrums may be forced in full light as well as in darkness (until stage 2) as long as the above guidelines as to temperature, ventilation and humidity are followed. If the bulbs have been forced in the dark until stage 2, the plants will need source is oblique from one side. Low light conditions and lower temperatures during forcing will result in taller stems at flowering. High light conditions and higher temperatures during forcing will promote shorter stems at flowering

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Hippeastrum Southern Hemisphere Red Lion/Olaf

Hippeastrum Southern Hemisphere 'Red Lion/Olaf'

Christmas Forcing Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024

Storage upon arrival:

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F


Use sterilized, well-draining planting medium with a pH 6.00 to 6.80. Never use fresh manure or tree bark as part of the medium. Ideally the soil mix should consist of 1/3 peat, 1/3 sand, 1/3 compost or 1/2 peat and 1/2 sand or 60% coarse peat + 40% perlite. Branded potting soils such as Sunshine #4 may also be used. Use clean pots which will accommodate the bulb(s) comfortably without much room to spare. Pots must have drainage holes. Do not damage or remove existing roots. Hold the bulb so that the roots hang down into the pot. Firm in the medium around the bulb so that no air pockets remain amongst the roots. The bulb nose should be above the rim of the pot, and the shoulders of the bulb just above the surface of the soil. Pots may be placed next to each other. Do not use saucers. Ensure that the area is well ventilated and that the relative humidity stay as low as possible.


After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. It is important not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose.


Maintain a CONSTANT temperature day and night of 79° F to 82° F for optimal results - bottom heating is preferred. During the forcing period the temperature should never fall below 72° F or rise above 86° F. To delay the flowering, place pots at 48° F at stage 2 (before opening of the first bud). At this temperature growth will virtually come to a halt and the plants may be kept at this temperature for up to 10 days. To make the plants resume growth, move the pots to a warmer area. No water should be administered while the plants are 9° C (48° F). To ACCELERATE growth, increase the temperature in the greenhouse, always ensuring an even, constant temperature day and night. Do not exceed 86° F.


Hippeastrums may be forced in full light as well as in darkness (until stage 2) as long as the above guidelines as to temperature, ventilation and humidity are followed. If the bulbs have been forced in the dark until stage 2, the plants will need source is oblique from one side. Low light conditions and lower temperatures during forcing will result in taller stems at flowering. High light conditions and higher temperatures during forcing will promote shorter stems at flowering

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Hippeastrum Southern Hemisphere Revelation

Hippeastrum Southern Hemisphere 'Revelation'

Christmas Forcing Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024

Storage upon arrival:

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F


Use sterilized, well-draining planting medium with a pH 6.00 to 6.80. Never use fresh manure or tree bark as part of the medium. Ideally the soil mix should consist of 1/3 peat, 1/3 sand, 1/3 compost or 1/2 peat and 1/2 sand or 60% coarse peat + 40% perlite. Branded potting soils such as Sunshine #4 may also be used. Use clean pots which will accommodate the bulb(s) comfortably without much room to spare. Pots must have drainage holes. Do not damage or remove existing roots. Hold the bulb so that the roots hang down into the pot. Firm in the medium around the bulb so that no air pockets remain amongst the roots. The bulb nose should be above the rim of the pot, and the shoulders of the bulb just above the surface of the soil. Pots may be placed next to each other. Do not use saucers. Ensure that the area is well ventilated and that the relative humidity stay as low as possible.


After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. It is important not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose.


Maintain a CONSTANT temperature day and night of 79° F to 82° F for optimal results - bottom heating is preferred. During the forcing period the temperature should never fall below 72° F or rise above 86° F. To delay the flowering, place pots at 48° F at stage 2 (before opening of the first bud). At this temperature growth will virtually come to a halt and the plants may be kept at this temperature for up to 10 days. To make the plants resume growth, move the pots to a warmer area. No water should be administered while the plants are 9° C (48° F). To ACCELERATE growth, increase the temperature in the greenhouse, always ensuring an even, constant temperature day and night. Do not exceed 86° F.


Hippeastrums may be forced in full light as well as in darkness (until stage 2) as long as the above guidelines as to temperature, ventilation and humidity are followed. If the bulbs have been forced in the dark until stage 2, the plants will need source is oblique from one side. Low light conditions and lower temperatures during forcing will result in taller stems at flowering. High light conditions and higher temperatures during forcing will promote shorter stems at flowering

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Hippeastrum Southern Hemisphere Toronto

Hippeastrum Southern Hemisphere 'Toronto'

Christmas Forcing Amaryllis - Pre-Order for Fall 2024

Storage upon arrival:

Use a low humidity, well-ventilated area. Short-term storage temperature should be 55-60⁰F. Long-term storage or if the sprouts begin to show, lower the temperature to 41⁰ F


Use sterilized, well-draining planting medium with a pH 6.00 to 6.80. Never use fresh manure or tree bark as part of the medium. Ideally the soil mix should consist of 1/3 peat, 1/3 sand, 1/3 compost or 1/2 peat and 1/2 sand or 60% coarse peat + 40% perlite. Branded potting soils such as Sunshine #4 may also be used. Use clean pots which will accommodate the bulb(s) comfortably without much room to spare. Pots must have drainage holes. Do not damage or remove existing roots. Hold the bulb so that the roots hang down into the pot. Firm in the medium around the bulb so that no air pockets remain amongst the roots. The bulb nose should be above the rim of the pot, and the shoulders of the bulb just above the surface of the soil. Pots may be placed next to each other. Do not use saucers. Ensure that the area is well ventilated and that the relative humidity stay as low as possible.


After planting, water thoroughly. Subsequently, the medium should be kept only slightly moist. It is important not to overwater the plant in order to stimulate regrowth of the basal root system. USE TEPID WATER!! Do not water the bulb nose.


Maintain a CONSTANT temperature day and night of 79° F to 82° F for optimal results - bottom heating is preferred. During the forcing period the temperature should never fall below 72° F or rise above 86° F. To delay the flowering, place pots at 48° F at stage 2 (before opening of the first bud). At this temperature growth will virtually come to a halt and the plants may be kept at this temperature for up to 10 days. To make the plants resume growth, move the pots to a warmer area. No water should be administered while the plants are 9° C (48° F). To ACCELERATE growth, increase the temperature in the greenhouse, always ensuring an even, constant temperature day and night. Do not exceed 86° F.


Hippeastrums may be forced in full light as well as in darkness (until stage 2) as long as the above guidelines as to temperature, ventilation and humidity are followed. If the bulbs have been forced in the dark until stage 2, the plants will need source is oblique from one side. Low light conditions and lower temperatures during forcing will result in taller stems at flowering. High light conditions and higher temperatures during forcing will promote shorter stems at flowering

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Hyacinth Apricot Passion

Hyacinth 'Apricot Passion'

Forcing Hyacinths for Valentine's Day and Easter                                                                                                         

For Valentine's Day - plant hyacinths in mid-October, cool at 48°F until January 10-15.                                                                           

For Easter - after planting keep bulbs at 55°F until the roots grow out of the bottom of the pot. When the roots show, drop the temperature to 41°F. Maintain this temperature until early January at which time depending on the sprout development, the temperature needs to be lowered to 34°F and held until brought into the greenhouse. If no cooler facility is available the bulbs can be planted outside under a layer of 6" sand and straw cover.This method is only recommended in the Northern states.


Greenhouse Forcing:                                                             

For Christmas - use "Prepared Hyacinths", keep at 40°F, bring into the greenhouse December 1

For Valentine -   3-4 weeks at 65-70°F, bring into the greenhouse January 10-15

For Easter - 4 weeks at 65-70°F      


Store after arrival:                                 

Unpack bulbs and ventilate if not planted immediately. Store at 58-65°F. Do not store with fresh fruit, vegetables or other ethylene producing products.



Cooling is the most important step. The main rule for hyacinths is 12-14 weeks of temperature at or below 48°F.   



Use well drained, outdoor composted site. Plant bulbs so that soil is 6" above the bulb nose. Use 40 bulbs per square yard - space bulbs about 6" apart. For indoor forcing, plant bulbs at soil level. Hyacinths flower in April with a height of 10". Any commercial soil or soil mix can be used as long as it has good drainage and allows for undisturbed root growth. Soil should have a pH level of 6-7 and have a low soluble salt level. The following soil mixes have shown the best results: Fafard #2, Fafard#3-B, Fafard #4, Metro 350, Metro 360, Metro 500, Fison Sunshine #4.                                                                                                                                                                                


Water every other day. Always make sure that watering is done directly into the pot and not over the crop.                                                                                                                                                                


Fertilize in the greenhouse only, not in the cooler. Use calcium nitrate at a rate of 2 lbs per 100 gallons of water.

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Hyacinth Aqua

Hyacinth 'Aqua'

Forcing Hyacinths for Valentine's Day and Easter                                                                                                         

For Valentine's Day - plant hyacinths in mid-October, cool at 48°F until January 10-15.                                                                           

For Easter - after planting keep bulbs at 55°F until the roots grow out of the bottom of the pot. When the roots show, drop the temperature to 41°F. Maintain this temperature until early January at which time depending on the sprout development, the temperature needs to be lowered to 34°F and held until brought into the greenhouse. If no cooler facility is available the bulbs can be planted outside under a layer of 6" sand and straw cover.This method is only recommended in the Northern states.


Greenhouse Forcing:                                                             

For Christmas - use "Prepared Hyacinths", keep at 40°F, bring into the greenhouse December 1

For Valentine -   3-4 weeks at 65-70°F, bring into the greenhouse January 10-15

For Easter - 4 weeks at 65-70°F      


Store after arrival:                                 

Unpack bulbs and ventilate if not planted immediately. Store at 58-65°F. Do not store with fresh fruit, vegetables or other ethylene producing products.



Cooling is the most important step. The main rule for hyacinths is 12-14 weeks of temperature at or below 48°F.   



Use well drained, outdoor composted site. Plant bulbs so that soil is 6" above the bulb nose. Use 40 bulbs per square yard - space bulbs about 6" apart. For indoor forcing, plant bulbs at soil level. Hyacinths flower in April with a height of 10". Any commercial soil or soil mix can be used as long as it has good drainage and allows for undisturbed root growth. Soil should have a pH level of 6-7 and have a low soluble salt level. The following soil mixes have shown the best results: Fafard #2, Fafard#3-B, Fafard #4, Metro 350, Metro 360, Metro 500, Fison Sunshine #4.                                                                                                                                                                                


Water every other day. Always make sure that watering is done directly into the pot and not over the crop.                                                                                                                                                                


Fertilize in the greenhouse only, not in the cooler. Use calcium nitrate at a rate of 2 lbs per 100 gallons of water.

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Hyacinth Blue Jacket

Hyacinth 'Blue Jacket'

Forcing Hyacinths for Valentine's Day and Easter                                                                                                         

For Valentine's Day - plant hyacinths in mid-October, cool at 48°F until January 10-15.                                                                           

For Easter - after planting keep bulbs at 55°F until the roots grow out of the bottom of the pot. When the roots show, drop the temperature to 41°F. Maintain this temperature until early January at which time depending on the sprout development, the temperature needs to be lowered to 34°F and held until brought into the greenhouse. If no cooler facility is available the bulbs can be planted outside under a layer of 6" sand and straw cover.This method is only recommended in the Northern states.


Greenhouse Forcing:                                                             

For Christmas - use "Prepared Hyacinths", keep at 40°F, bring into the greenhouse December 1

For Valentine -   3-4 weeks at 65-70°F, bring into the greenhouse January 10-15

For Easter - 4 weeks at 65-70°F      


Store after arrival:                                 

Unpack bulbs and ventilate if not planted immediately. Store at 58-65°F. Do not store with fresh fruit, vegetables or other ethylene producing products.



Cooling is the most important step. The main rule for hyacinths is 12-14 weeks of temperature at or below 48°F.   



Use well drained, outdoor composted site. Plant bulbs so that soil is 6" above the bulb nose. Use 40 bulbs per square yard - space bulbs about 6" apart. For indoor forcing, plant bulbs at soil level. Hyacinths flower in April with a height of 10". Any commercial soil or soil mix can be used as long as it has good drainage and allows for undisturbed root growth. Soil should have a pH level of 6-7 and have a low soluble salt level. The following soil mixes have shown the best results: Fafard #2, Fafard#3-B, Fafard #4, Metro 350, Metro 360, Metro 500, Fison Sunshine #4.                                                                                                                                                                                


Water every other day. Always make sure that watering is done directly into the pot and not over the crop.                                                                                                                                                                


Fertilize in the greenhouse only, not in the cooler. Use calcium nitrate at a rate of 2 lbs per 100 gallons of water.

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Hyacinth Carnegie/Top White

Hyacinth 'Carnegie/Top White'

Forcing Hyacinths for Valentine's Day and Easter                                                                                                         

For Valentine's Day - plant hyacinths in mid-October, cool at 48°F until January 10-15.                                                                           

For Easter - after planting keep bulbs at 55°F until the roots grow out of the bottom of the pot. When the roots show, drop the temperature to 41°F. Maintain this temperature until early January at which time depending on the sprout development, the temperature needs to be lowered to 34°F and held until brought into the greenhouse. If no cooler facility is available the bulbs can be planted outside under a layer of 6" sand and straw cover.This method is only recommended in the Northern states.


Greenhouse Forcing:                                                             

For Christmas - use "Prepared Hyacinths", keep at 40°F, bring into the greenhouse December 1

For Valentine -   3-4 weeks at 65-70°F, bring into the greenhouse January 10-15

For Easter - 4 weeks at 65-70°F      


Store after arrival:                                 

Unpack bulbs and ventilate if not planted immediately. Store at 58-65°F. Do not store with fresh fruit, vegetables or other ethylene producing products.



Cooling is the most important step. The main rule for hyacinths is 12-14 weeks of temperature at or below 48°F.   



Use well drained, outdoor composted site. Plant bulbs so that soil is 6" above the bulb nose. Use 40 bulbs per square yard - space bulbs about 6" apart. For indoor forcing, plant bulbs at soil level. Hyacinths flower in April with a height of 10". Any commercial soil or soil mix can be used as long as it has good drainage and allows for undisturbed root growth. Soil should have a pH level of 6-7 and have a low soluble salt level. The following soil mixes have shown the best results: Fafard #2, Fafard#3-B, Fafard #4, Metro 350, Metro 360, Metro 500, Fison Sunshine #4.                                                                                                                                                                                


Water every other day. Always make sure that watering is done directly into the pot and not over the crop.                                                                                                                                                                


Fertilize in the greenhouse only, not in the cooler. Use calcium nitrate at a rate of 2 lbs per 100 gallons of water.

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Hyacinth Delft Blue

Hyacinth 'Delft Blue'

Forcing Hyacinths for Valentine's Day and Easter                                                                                                         

For Valentine's Day - plant hyacinths in mid-October, cool at 48°F until January 10-15.                                                                           

For Easter - after planting keep bulbs at 55°F until the roots grow out of the bottom of the pot. When the roots show, drop the temperature to 41°F. Maintain this temperature until early January at which time depending on the sprout development, the temperature needs to be lowered to 34°F and held until brought into the greenhouse. If no cooler facility is available the bulbs can be planted outside under a layer of 6" sand and straw cover.This method is only recommended in the Northern states.


Greenhouse Forcing:                                                             

For Christmas - use "Prepared Hyacinths", keep at 40°F, bring into the greenhouse December 1

For Valentine -   3-4 weeks at 65-70°F, bring into the greenhouse January 10-15

For Easter - 4 weeks at 65-70°F      


Store after arrival:                                 

Unpack bulbs and ventilate if not planted immediately. Store at 58-65°F. Do not store with fresh fruit, vegetables or other ethylene producing products.



Cooling is the most important step. The main rule for hyacinths is 12-14 weeks of temperature at or below 48°F.   



Use well drained, outdoor composted site. Plant bulbs so that soil is 6" above the bulb nose. Use 40 bulbs per square yard - space bulbs about 6" apart. For indoor forcing, plant bulbs at soil level. Hyacinths flower in April with a height of 10". Any commercial soil or soil mix can be used as long as it has good drainage and allows for undisturbed root growth. Soil should have a pH level of 6-7 and have a low soluble salt level. The following soil mixes have shown the best results: Fafard #2, Fafard#3-B, Fafard #4, Metro 350, Metro 360, Metro 500, Fison Sunshine #4.                                                                                                                                                                                


Water every other day. Always make sure that watering is done directly into the pot and not over the crop.                                                                                                                                                                


Fertilize in the greenhouse only, not in the cooler. Use calcium nitrate at a rate of 2 lbs per 100 gallons of water.

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Hyacinth Fondant

Hyacinth 'Fondant'

Forcing Hyacinths for Valentine's Day and Easter                                                                                                         

For Valentine's Day - plant hyacinths in mid-October, cool at 48°F until January 10-15.                                                                           

For Easter - after planting keep bulbs at 55°F until the roots grow out of the bottom of the pot. When the roots show, drop the temperature to 41°F. Maintain this temperature until early January at which time depending on the sprout development, the temperature needs to be lowered to 34°F and held until brought into the greenhouse. If no cooler facility is available the bulbs can be planted outside under a layer of 6" sand and straw cover.This method is only recommended in the Northern states.


Greenhouse Forcing:                                                             

For Christmas - use "Prepared Hyacinths", keep at 40°F, bring into the greenhouse December 1

For Valentine -   3-4 weeks at 65-70°F, bring into the greenhouse January 10-15

For Easter - 4 weeks at 65-70°F      


Store after arrival:                                 

Unpack bulbs and ventilate if not planted immediately. Store at 58-65°F. Do not store with fresh fruit, vegetables or other ethylene producing products.



Cooling is the most important step. The main rule for hyacinths is 12-14 weeks of temperature at or below 48°F.   



Use well drained, outdoor composted site. Plant bulbs so that soil is 6" above the bulb nose. Use 40 bulbs per square yard - space bulbs about 6" apart. For indoor forcing, plant bulbs at soil level. Hyacinths flower in April with a height of 10". Any commercial soil or soil mix can be used as long as it has good drainage and allows for undisturbed root growth. Soil should have a pH level of 6-7 and have a low soluble salt level. The following soil mixes have shown the best results: Fafard #2, Fafard#3-B, Fafard #4, Metro 350, Metro 360, Metro 500, Fison Sunshine #4.                                                                                                                                                                                


Water every other day. Always make sure that watering is done directly into the pot and not over the crop.                                                                                                                                                                


Fertilize in the greenhouse only, not in the cooler. Use calcium nitrate at a rate of 2 lbs per 100 gallons of water.

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Hyacinth Gipsy Princess

Hyacinth 'Gipsy Princess'

Forcing Hyacinths for Valentine's Day and Easter                                                                                                         

For Valentine's Day - plant hyacinths in mid-October, cool at 48°F until January 10-15.                                                                           

For Easter - after planting keep bulbs at 55°F until the roots grow out of the bottom of the pot. When the roots show, drop the temperature to 41°F. Maintain this temperature until early January at which time depending on the sprout development, the temperature needs to be lowered to 34°F and held until brought into the greenhouse. If no cooler facility is available the bulbs can be planted outside under a layer of 6" sand and straw cover.This method is only recommended in the Northern states.


Greenhouse Forcing:                                                             

For Christmas - use "Prepared Hyacinths", keep at 40°F, bring into the greenhouse December 1

For Valentine -   3-4 weeks at 65-70°F, bring into the greenhouse January 10-15

For Easter - 4 weeks at 65-70°F      


Store after arrival:                                 

Unpack bulbs and ventilate if not planted immediately. Store at 58-65°F. Do not store with fresh fruit, vegetables or other ethylene producing products.



Cooling is the most important step. The main rule for hyacinths is 12-14 weeks of temperature at or below 48°F.   



Use well drained, outdoor composted site. Plant bulbs so that soil is 6" above the bulb nose. Use 40 bulbs per square yard - space bulbs about 6" apart. For indoor forcing, plant bulbs at soil level. Hyacinths flower in April with a height of 10". Any commercial soil or soil mix can be used as long as it has good drainage and allows for undisturbed root growth. Soil should have a pH level of 6-7 and have a low soluble salt level. The following soil mixes have shown the best results: Fafard #2, Fafard#3-B, Fafard #4, Metro 350, Metro 360, Metro 500, Fison Sunshine #4.                                                                                                                                                                                


Water every other day. Always make sure that watering is done directly into the pot and not over the crop.                                                                                                                                                                


Fertilize in the greenhouse only, not in the cooler. Use calcium nitrate at a rate of 2 lbs per 100 gallons of water.

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Hyacinth Gipsy Queen

Hyacinth 'Gipsy Queen'

Forcing Hyacinths for Valentine's Day and Easter                                                                                                         

For Valentine's Day - plant hyacinths in mid-October, cool at 48°F until January 10-15.                                                                           

For Easter - after planting keep bulbs at 55°F until the roots grow out of the bottom of the pot. When the roots show, drop the temperature to 41°F. Maintain this temperature until early January at which time depending on the sprout development, the temperature needs to be lowered to 34°F and held until brought into the greenhouse. If no cooler facility is available the bulbs can be planted outside under a layer of 6" sand and straw cover.This method is only recommended in the Northern states.


Greenhouse Forcing:                                                             

For Christmas - use "Prepared Hyacinths", keep at 40°F, bring into the greenhouse December 1

For Valentine -   3-4 weeks at 65-70°F, bring into the greenhouse January 10-15

For Easter - 4 weeks at 65-70°F      


Store after arrival:                                 

Unpack bulbs and ventilate if not planted immediately. Store at 58-65°F. Do not store with fresh fruit, vegetables or other ethylene producing products.



Cooling is the most important step. The main rule for hyacinths is 12-14 weeks of temperature at or below 48°F.   



Use well drained, outdoor composted site. Plant bulbs so that soil is 6" above the bulb nose. Use 40 bulbs per square yard - space bulbs about 6" apart. For indoor forcing, plant bulbs at soil level. Hyacinths flower in April with a height of 10". Any commercial soil or soil mix can be used as long as it has good drainage and allows for undisturbed root growth. Soil should have a pH level of 6-7 and have a low soluble salt level. The following soil mixes have shown the best results: Fafard #2, Fafard#3-B, Fafard #4, Metro 350, Metro 360, Metro 500, Fison Sunshine #4.                                                                                                                                                                                


Water every other day. Always make sure that watering is done directly into the pot and not over the crop.                                                                                                                                                                


Fertilize in the greenhouse only, not in the cooler. Use calcium nitrate at a rate of 2 lbs per 100 gallons of water.

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Hyacinth Jan Bos

Hyacinth 'Jan Bos'

Forcing Hyacinths for Valentine's Day and Easter                                                                                                         

For Valentine's Day - plant hyacinths in mid-October, cool at 48°F until January 10-15.                                                                           

For Easter - after planting keep bulbs at 55°F until the roots grow out of the bottom of the pot. When the roots show, drop the temperature to 41°F. Maintain this temperature until early January at which time depending on the sprout development, the temperature needs to be lowered to 34°F and held until brought into the greenhouse. If no cooler facility is available the bulbs can be planted outside under a layer of 6" sand and straw cover.This method is only recommended in the Northern states.


Greenhouse Forcing:                                                             

For Christmas - use "Prepared Hyacinths", keep at 40°F, bring into the greenhouse December 1

For Valentine -   3-4 weeks at 65-70°F, bring into the greenhouse January 10-15

For Easter - 4 weeks at 65-70°F      


Store after arrival:                                 

Unpack bulbs and ventilate if not planted immediately. Store at 58-65°F. Do not store with fresh fruit, vegetables or other ethylene producing products.



Cooling is the most important step. The main rule for hyacinths is 12-14 weeks of temperature at or below 48°F.   



Use well drained, outdoor composted site. Plant bulbs so that soil is 6" above the bulb nose. Use 40 bulbs per square yard - space bulbs about 6" apart. For indoor forcing, plant bulbs at soil level. Hyacinths flower in April with a height of 10". Any commercial soil or soil mix can be used as long as it has good drainage and allows for undisturbed root growth. Soil should have a pH level of 6-7 and have a low soluble salt level. The following soil mixes have shown the best results: Fafard #2, Fafard#3-B, Fafard #4, Metro 350, Metro 360, Metro 500, Fison Sunshine #4.                                                                                                                                                                                


Water every other day. Always make sure that watering is done directly into the pot and not over the crop.                                                                                                                                                                


Fertilize in the greenhouse only, not in the cooler. Use calcium nitrate at a rate of 2 lbs per 100 gallons of water.

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