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Precooled Bulbs

Showing all 14 results.

Iris Blue

Iris 'Blue'

Dutch Iris - Coming Soon for Fall 2024

Storage After Arrival

Storing iris is not advised. They should be planted as soon as possible. If they have to be stored, they should be kept in a cool area with good air circulation.


Planting Medium/Planting Procedure  

Any good well-draining garden soil. Water just enough to be sure the plant's root system can establish. Good ventilation helps prevent fungal disease.  



A low-nitrogen fertilizer; 6-10-10 or 5-10-10 is best. Lightly sprinkle small amount of fertilizer around outside of plant. Fertilize twice a year, in spring about a month before bloom and then again one month after bloom. Be careful fertilizer does not come into contact directly with rhizome. 


Light and Temperature Requirements  

Full sun is best. At least 5 hours of sun per day. If not planted or in pots, they should not be allowed to freeze.






Flower Date/Holiday

Flower Date/Holiday

Oct 17

White, Blue

Jan 6


Nov 17

All Varieties

Jan 24


Nov 14

All Varieties

Feb 7

Feb 21

Nov 28

All Varieties

Feb 23

Mar 7

Dec 12

All Varieties

Mar 7

Mar 21

Dec 26

All Varieties

Apr 12

Apr 18

Jan 9, 2023

All Varieties

Apr 26

Apr 25

Jan 23

All Varieties

May 9

May 9

Feb 6

All Varieties

May 16

May 17

Feb 20

All Varieties

May 23

May 23

Mar 6

All Varieties

May 31

May 30


*Approximate Flower Date @ 52-55°F - White, Blue

**Approximate Flower Date @ 52-55°F Yellow  

Please note: Iris will ship a week earlier if needed around the holidays.

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Iris White

Iris 'White'

Dutch Iris - Coming Soon for Fall 2024

Storage After Arrival

Storing iris is not advised. They should be planted as soon as possible. If they have to be stored, they should be kept in a cool area with good air circulation.


Planting Medium/Planting Procedure  

Any good well-draining garden soil. Water just enough to be sure the plant's root system can establish. Good ventilation helps prevent fungal disease.  



A low-nitrogen fertilizer; 6-10-10 or 5-10-10 is best. Lightly sprinkle small amount of fertilizer around outside of plant. Fertilize twice a year, in spring about a month before bloom and then again one month after bloom. Be careful fertilizer does not come into contact directly with rhizome. 


Light and Temperature Requirements  

Full sun is best. At least 5 hours of sun per day. If not planted or in pots, they should not be allowed to freeze.






Flower Date/Holiday

Flower Date/Holiday

Oct 17

White, Blue

Jan 6


Nov 17

All Varieties

Jan 24


Nov 14

All Varieties

Feb 7

Feb 21

Nov 28

All Varieties

Feb 23

Mar 7

Dec 12

All Varieties

Mar 7

Mar 21

Dec 26

All Varieties

Apr 12

Apr 18

Jan 9, 2023

All Varieties

Apr 26

Apr 25

Jan 23

All Varieties

May 9

May 9

Feb 6

All Varieties

May 16

May 17

Feb 20

All Varieties

May 23

May 23

Mar 6

All Varieties

May 31

May 30


*Approximate Flower Date @ 52-55°F - White, Blue

**Approximate Flower Date @ 52-55°F Yellow  

Please note: Iris will ship a week earlier if needed around the holidays.

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Iris Yellow

Iris 'Yellow'

Dutch Iris - Coming Soon for Fall 2024

Storage After Arrival

Storing iris is not advised. They should be planted as soon as possible. If they have to be stored, they should be kept in a cool area with good air circulation.


Planting Medium/Planting Procedure  

Any good well-draining garden soil. Water just enough to be sure the plant's root system can establish. Good ventilation helps prevent fungal disease.  



A low-nitrogen fertilizer; 6-10-10 or 5-10-10 is best. Lightly sprinkle small amount of fertilizer around outside of plant. Fertilize twice a year, in spring about a month before bloom and then again one month after bloom. Be careful fertilizer does not come into contact directly with rhizome. 


Light and Temperature Requirements  

Full sun is best. At least 5 hours of sun per day. If not planted or in pots, they should not be allowed to freeze.






Flower Date/Holiday

Flower Date/Holiday

Oct 17

White, Blue

Jan 6


Nov 17

All Varieties

Jan 24


Nov 14

All Varieties

Feb 7

Feb 21

Nov 28

All Varieties

Feb 23

Mar 7

Dec 12

All Varieties

Mar 7

Mar 21

Dec 26

All Varieties

Apr 12

Apr 18

Jan 9, 2023

All Varieties

Apr 26

Apr 25

Jan 23

All Varieties

May 9

May 9

Feb 6

All Varieties

May 16

May 17

Feb 20

All Varieties

May 23

May 23

Mar 6

All Varieties

May 31

May 30


*Approximate Flower Date @ 52-55°F - White, Blue

**Approximate Flower Date @ 52-55°F Yellow  

Please note: Iris will ship a week earlier if needed around the holidays.

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Precooled Daffodil Large Cupped Ice Follies

Precooled Daffodil Large Cupped 'Ice Follies'

Pre-Order for Fall 2024

Storage After Arrival

Unpack immediately upon arrival, ventilate if not immediately planted. Store at 58-65°F. Do not store with fresh fruit, vegetables or other ethylene producing products.


Valentine and Easter Forcing


This is the most important step and can be done according to various methods:


For Valentine

1. Plant bulbs immediately upon arrival (approx. mid-September) in pots or flats. Place in cooler at 48°F. Bring into greenhouse January 5-10.   OR

2. Dry precool bulbs (not planted) at 480F until mid-October in pots or flats and continue cooling at 48°F. Bring into greenhouse January 5. OR

3. Obtain "precooled" bulbs, plant in pots or flats approximately mid-October and continue cooling at 48°F. Bring into greenhouse January 5.


For Easter

After planting keep bulbs at 48°F until the roots grow out of the bottom of the container. When the roots show, drop the temperature to 41°F. Maintain this temperature until early January at which time, depending on sprout development, the temperature needs to be lowered to 34°F andheld until brought into the greenhouse. If no cooler facility is available, the bulbs can be planted outside under a 6" layer of sand and straw cover.   This method is only recommended in the Northern states where outside soil temperature is cold enough to make it possible to do this.


Greenhouse Forcing

For Valentine - start in greenhouse January 10, grow at 58-65°F.

For Easter - start in greenhouse 4 weeks before Easter, grow at 58-65°F.



Plant bulbs outdoors so that soil is 4-6" above. the bulb nose (ndoor forcing, plant bulbs at soil level) Any commercial soil or soil mix can be used as long as it has good drainage and allows for undisturbed root growth. Soil pH level should be 6-7 and should have a low soluble salt level.


The following soil mixes have shown the best results:  

Fafard #2, Fafard #3-B, Fafard #4, Metro 350, Metro 360, Metro 500, and Fison Sunshine #4.



Use 40-100 bulbs per square yard - space bulbs about 3-6" apart. Exact spacing and planting depth depends on the bulb size.



Water every other day. Always make sure that watering is done directly into the container and not over the crop.



Fertilize in the greenhouse only - not in the cooler. Use calcium nitrate at a rate of 2 lbs per 100 gallons of water.


Height Control

Generally this is not a concern for Valentine forcing, however, for Easter a spray application of 500-2000 ppm Florel may be needed to control height or a drench with topflor when grown in the greenhouse. See Cornell Hort website for details and application rates.


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Precooled Daffodil Miniature Tete a Tete

Precooled Daffodil Miniature 'Tete a Tete'

Pre-Order for Fall 2024

Storage After Arrival

Unpack immediately upon arrival, ventilate if not immediately planted. Store at 58-65°F. Do not store with fresh fruit, vegetables or other ethylene producing products.


Valentine and Easter Forcing


This is the most important step and can be done according to various methods:


For Valentine

1. Plant bulbs immediately upon arrival (approx. mid-September) in pots or flats. Place in cooler at 48°F. Bring into greenhouse January 5-10.   OR

2. Dry precool bulbs (not planted) at 480F until mid-October in pots or flats and continue cooling at 48°F. Bring into greenhouse January 5. OR

3. Obtain "precooled" bulbs, plant in pots or flats approximately mid-October and continue cooling at 48°F. Bring into greenhouse January 5.


For Easter

After planting keep bulbs at 48°F until the roots grow out of the bottom of the container. When the roots show, drop the temperature to 41°F. Maintain this temperature until early January at which time, depending on sprout development, the temperature needs to be lowered to 34°F andheld until brought into the greenhouse. If no cooler facility is available, the bulbs can be planted outside under a 6" layer of sand and straw cover.   This method is only recommended in the Northern states where outside soil temperature is cold enough to make it possible to do this.


Greenhouse Forcing

For Valentine - start in greenhouse January 10, grow at 58-65°F.

For Easter - start in greenhouse 4 weeks before Easter, grow at 58-65°F.



Plant bulbs outdoors so that soil is 4-6" above. the bulb nose (ndoor forcing, plant bulbs at soil level) Any commercial soil or soil mix can be used as long as it has good drainage and allows for undisturbed root growth. Soil pH level should be 6-7 and should have a low soluble salt level.


The following soil mixes have shown the best results:  

Fafard #2, Fafard #3-B, Fafard #4, Metro 350, Metro 360, Metro 500, and Fison Sunshine #4.



Use 40-100 bulbs per square yard - space bulbs about 3-6" apart. Exact spacing and planting depth depends on the bulb size.



Water every other day. Always make sure that watering is done directly into the container and not over the crop.



Fertilize in the greenhouse only - not in the cooler. Use calcium nitrate at a rate of 2 lbs per 100 gallons of water.


Height Control

Generally this is not a concern for Valentine forcing, however, for Easter a spray application of 500-2000 ppm Florel may be needed to control height or a drench with topflor when grown in the greenhouse. See Cornell Hort website for details and application rates.


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Precooled Daffodil Trumpet Dutch Master

Precooled Daffodil Trumpet 'Dutch Master'

Pre-Order for Fall 2024

Storage After Arrival

Unpack immediately upon arrival, ventilate if not immediately planted. Store at 58-65°F. Do not store with fresh fruit, vegetables or other ethylene producing products.


Valentine and Easter Forcing


This is the most important step and can be done according to various methods:


For Valentine

1. Plant bulbs immediately upon arrival (approx. mid-September) in pots or flats. Place in cooler at 48°F. Bring into greenhouse January 5-10.   OR

2. Dry precool bulbs (not planted) at 480F until mid-October in pots or flats and continue cooling at 48°F. Bring into greenhouse January 5. OR

3. Obtain "precooled" bulbs, plant in pots or flats approximately mid-October and continue cooling at 48°F. Bring into greenhouse January 5.


For Easter

After planting keep bulbs at 48°F until the roots grow out of the bottom of the container. When the roots show, drop the temperature to 41°F. Maintain this temperature until early January at which time, depending on sprout development, the temperature needs to be lowered to 34°F andheld until brought into the greenhouse. If no cooler facility is available, the bulbs can be planted outside under a 6" layer of sand and straw cover.   This method is only recommended in the Northern states where outside soil temperature is cold enough to make it possible to do this.


Greenhouse Forcing

For Valentine - start in greenhouse January 10, grow at 58-65°F.

For Easter - start in greenhouse 4 weeks before Easter, grow at 58-65°F.



Plant bulbs outdoors so that soil is 4-6" above. the bulb nose (ndoor forcing, plant bulbs at soil level) Any commercial soil or soil mix can be used as long as it has good drainage and allows for undisturbed root growth. Soil pH level should be 6-7 and should have a low soluble salt level.


The following soil mixes have shown the best results:  

Fafard #2, Fafard #3-B, Fafard #4, Metro 350, Metro 360, Metro 500, and Fison Sunshine #4.



Use 40-100 bulbs per square yard - space bulbs about 3-6" apart. Exact spacing and planting depth depends on the bulb size.



Water every other day. Always make sure that watering is done directly into the container and not over the crop.



Fertilize in the greenhouse only - not in the cooler. Use calcium nitrate at a rate of 2 lbs per 100 gallons of water.


Height Control

Generally this is not a concern for Valentine forcing, however, for Easter a spray application of 500-2000 ppm Florel may be needed to control height or a drench with topflor when grown in the greenhouse. See Cornell Hort website for details and application rates.


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Prepared/Precooled Hyacinth Blue Pearl

Prepared/Precooled Hyacinth 'Blue Pearl'

Hyacinth - Coming Soon for Fall 2024


"PRECOOLED" bulbs have been cooled for six weeks prior to shipping to customer.  The bulbs will need an additional 8 weeks of cooling at 35-45⁰F after planting.


Forcing Hyacinth in Water

Place the hyacinth bulb, with a vase filled with water just to the base of the bulb, in a cool dark (40-55⁰) location for about 4-8 weeks, or until root system has developed and growth from the top of the bulb is observed. When top growth is about 2" and the root growth is to the bottom of the vase, move bulb to a warmer, brighter (50-60⁰F) location. Bulbs should remain in this location until shoots turn green. Bulbs then can be moved to a warmer location (65⁰F) for full bloom. Avoid direct sunlight.


Forcing Hyacinth in Soil

To successfully grow flower bulbs for pot or cut, a minimum of 14 weeks of cooling (45 - 48°F) is needed. Upon arrival, bulbs will need to grow for three additional weeks at 55 - 58° F to initiate the root system.  After root initiation, bring temperature down to 41 - 45° F and continue growing for another eight weeks, then bring into greenhouse and force at 65° F for approximately four weeks.

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Prepared/Precooled Hyacinth Pink Pearl

Prepared/Precooled Hyacinth 'Pink Pearl'

Hyacinth - Coming Soon for Fall 2024


"PRECOOLED" bulbs have been cooled for six weeks prior to shipping to customer.  The bulbs will need an additional 8 weeks of cooling at 35-45⁰F after planting.


Forcing Hyacinth in Water

Place the hyacinth bulb, with a vase filled with water just to the base of the bulb, in a cool dark (40-55⁰) location for about 4-8 weeks, or until root system has developed and growth from the top of the bulb is observed. When top growth is about 2" and the root growth is to the bottom of the vase, move bulb to a warmer, brighter (50-60⁰F) location. Bulbs should remain in this location until shoots turn green. Bulbs then can be moved to a warmer location (65⁰F) for full bloom. Avoid direct sunlight.


Forcing Hyacinth in Soil

To successfully grow flower bulbs for pot or cut, a minimum of 14 weeks of cooling (45 - 48°F) is needed. Upon arrival, bulbs will need to grow for three additional weeks at 55 - 58° F to initiate the root system.  After root initiation, bring temperature down to 41 - 45° F and continue growing for another eight weeks, then bring into greenhouse and force at 65° F for approximately four weeks.

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Prepared/Precooled Hyacinth White Pearl

Prepared/Precooled Hyacinth 'White Pearl'

Hyacinth - Coming Soon for Fall 2024


"PRECOOLED" bulbs have been cooled for six weeks prior to shipping to customer.  The bulbs will need an additional 8 weeks of cooling at 35-45⁰F after planting.


Forcing Hyacinth in Water

Place the hyacinth bulb, with a vase filled with water just to the base of the bulb, in a cool dark (40-55⁰) location for about 4-8 weeks, or until root system has developed and growth from the top of the bulb is observed. When top growth is about 2" and the root growth is to the bottom of the vase, move bulb to a warmer, brighter (50-60⁰F) location. Bulbs should remain in this location until shoots turn green. Bulbs then can be moved to a warmer location (65⁰F) for full bloom. Avoid direct sunlight.


Forcing Hyacinth in Soil

To successfully grow flower bulbs for pot or cut, a minimum of 14 weeks of cooling (45 - 48°F) is needed. Upon arrival, bulbs will need to grow for three additional weeks at 55 - 58° F to initiate the root system.  After root initiation, bring temperature down to 41 - 45° F and continue growing for another eight weeks, then bring into greenhouse and force at 65° F for approximately four weeks.

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Precooled Tulips

Precooled Tulips

Tulip - Coming Soon for Fall 2024

Storage After Arrival

Unpack immediately upon arrival, ventilate if not immediately planted. Store at 58-65°F. Do not store with fresh fruit, vegetables or other ethylene producing products.


Cooling is the most important step in successfully growing flower bulbs. The main rule for almost all tulips is 14-16 weeks of cool temperature at or below 48°F. This can be done according to the following methods:

For Valentine

1. Plant bulbs immediately upon arrival (approx. mid-September) in pots or flats. Place in cooler at 48°F. Bring into greenhouse January 5-10.   OR

2. Dry precool bulbs (not planted) at 48°F until mid-October in pots or flats and continue cooling at 48°F. Bring into greenhouse January 5. OR

3. Obtain "precooled" bulbs, plant in pots or flats approximately mid-October and continue cooling at 48°F. Bring into greenhouse January 5.

For Easter

After planting keep bulbs at 48°F until the roots grow out of the bottom of the container. When the roots show, drop the temperature to 41°F. Maintain this temperature until early January at which time, depending on sprout development, the temperature needs to be lowered to 34°F and held until brought into the greenhouse. If no cooler facility is available, the bulbs can be planted outside under a 6" layer of sand and straw cover.   This method is only recommended in the Northern states where outside soil temperature is cold enough to make it possible to do this.

Greenhouse Forcing

For Valentine - start in greenhouse January 10, grow at 58-65°F.

For Easter - start in greenhouse 4 weeks before Easter, grow at 58-65°F.

Planting Medium/Planting Procedure

Planting medium can be any commercial soil or soil mix as long as it has good drainage and allows for undisturbed root growth. pH level should be 6-7 and soil should have a low soluble salt level. The following soil mixes have shown the best results: Fafard #2, Fafard #3-B, Fafard #4, Metro 350, Metro 360, Metro 500, Fison Sunshine #4. Plant bulbs with the flat side outside of the container and the top of the bulb should be level with the container rim. Use either clay or plastic pot but make sure good drainage is available. There should be at least 2" of growing medium under the base of the bulb to allow for a good root structure. They also prefer a rather deep, loamy soil with good drainage. The leaves are broad or linear. Tulips can be used in pots, borders, perennial gardens or beds. Use a well-drained, composted site. Plant bulbs outdoors to that the soil is 6" above the bulb nose. Use 40-60 bulbs per square yard, space bulbs 5" apart (approx 4-7 per sq. ft.) Bulb size determines exact spacing and planting depth. Plant forcing bulbs at soil level.


Water every other day. Always make sure that watering is done directly into the pot and not over the crop.


Fertilize in the greenhouse only, not in the cooler. Use calcium nitrate at a rate of 2 lbs. per 100 gallons of water.

Height Control for Pots. The product A'Rest (ancymidol) has worked very effectively in controlling the length of the tulips in pots. However, varieties react differently at different times of the year to the same application. It is important that the forcers guide is consulted before using this product.

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