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Narcissi 'Ziva'


  • »  As easy as pot, water, bloom
  • »  Fast growing
  • »  Excellent for indoor forcing

  • Category:Paperwhites
  • Hardiness Zone:8-10
  • Height:14-18 Inches
  • Bloom Color: White

Currently Sold Out
Full Sun
Season of Interest (Flowering)
Soil Moisture
Moist, Well-Drained


Storage after arrival 

Since the bulbs are treated they can only be stored for a few days at 63°F under well ventilated conditions.                                 



Grow plants pot to pot on the bench.  Use a well drained, pH 6-7 sterilized soil.  Plant: 3 bulbs in a 5" pot; 4-5 bulbs in a 6" pot; 7-9 bulbs in an 8" pot. Forcing time is generally 3-6 weeks depending on time of planting.                                                                                                                                      


Watering, Fertilizer, Light Requirements                             

Keep planting medium moist but do not over water. Fertilization is neither harmful nor is it required for paperwhites in a greenhouse. Use a medium light (5000 ft. candle) intensity greenhouse that is well ventilated.                                                                                                                    



Use 60-63°F night temperatures. Lower temperatures can be used but the plant will take longer to reach market stage.                                            


Height Control for Pots

In order to reduce excessive elongation of the flower stalk and leaves of "Ziva" the plants can be sprayed to run off with 2000 ethephon (Florel) when the shoots are 4-5" long. A 2000 ppm Florel solution is one pint in 2.5 gallons and this treats about 500 6" pots. It is important that the foliage be dry at the time of treatment. Also, do not wet the foliage for 12 hours after treatment - late afternoon is the best time to spray. Treatment can delay flowering by 2-4 days.                                                                                                        


Marketing, Harvesting and Storage                       

Forcers - the plants should be marketed with the shoots 8-10" tall and the flowers are visible. Do not wait until they begin to show color.